Hitler and mussolini

  • 1919

    AS gived italy strong leadership mussolini had founded the forces
    he vowed to econmic condition worsend his popularity.
  • after the breif commuist

    after the breif commuist
    the regime military foces and wealthy landowners joined to tator.
    the make up an poland marshal hide out.
  • 1920

    adolf hitler was a little know as a political leader whose early life had been marked by disappointment.
  • 30,000 Fasists marched on Rome.

    30,000 Fasists marched on Rome.
    In October 1922, about 30,000 Fascists marched on Rome.They demanded that King Victor Emmanuel 3 put Mussolini in charge of the government.
  • hitler reived the nazi

    hitler reived the nazi
    most germans ignored him and his angery message until the great war od the depression of the ended the nations brief postwar.
  • In poland, Marshal Jozef Pilsudski seized power in 1926.

    In poland, Marshal Jozef Pilsudski seized power in 1926.
    In poland, Marshal Jozef Pilsudski seized power in 1926.In Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, and Romania, kings turned to strong-man rule.
  • Largest political party by 1932.

    Largest political party by 1932.
    The Nazis had become the largest political party by 1932.Conservative leaders mistakenly believed they could control hitler and use him for their purposes.
  • 1933

    they advised president paul von hindenburg to name hitler chancellor
  • In 1935, only one democracy Czechoslovakia, remained in eastern Europe.

    In 1935, only one democracy Czechoslovakia, remained in eastern Europe.
    In 1935, only one democracy Czechoslovakia, remained in easte Europe.Only in Eurpean nations with strong democratic traditions Britain, France, and the Scandinavian countries did democracy survive.
  • Nazi Mobs attacked Jews

    Nazi Mobs attacked Jews
    Nazi mobs attacked Jews in their homes and on the streets and destroyed thousands of Jewish-owend buildings.