
By IXenthI
  • Hilter Joins The German Workers Party

    Adolf Hitler joined this small political party in 1919 and rose to leadership through his emotional and captivating speeches *Anti-Communist & *Anti=Semitic party.
  • Renamed the Party

    He changed the name of the party to the National Socialist German Workers' Party, called for short, the Nazi Party (or NSDAP)
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Hitler's armed attempted to overthrow local authorities in Munich and failed. Charged wtih high treason and jailed.
  • Hiter is imprisoned

    Hilter writes Mein Kampf, which detailed Hitlers ideas of German nationalism, antisemitism and anti Bolshevism. Hitlers book becomes the ideological base for the Nazi party.
  • Released from Prison

    After release he started up the Nazi Party again, and began to rebuild and reorganizing the party. Waiting for an opportunity to gain political power in Gernamny.
  • Paul von Hindenburg

    Paul von Hindenburg was elected president and Germany stabilized,
  • Nazi Party Movement

    Nazi party began building a mass movement from 27000 members in 1925 to 108,000 in 1929. The SA(Sturmabteilung or Storm Troopers) were the paramilitary unit of the party, The SS was an elite group with special duties within the SA. By the late twenties the Nazi party started supporting groups, Hilter Youth, the Students League and the Pupils' Leauge. The National Socialist Women's League allowed woment to get involved too.
  • German Elections

    Nazi win 2.6% of the votes. The Party shifted its strategy to rural and small town areas and fueled antisemitism by calling for expropriation of Jewish agricultural property and by condemning large Jewish department stores
  • The Great Depression

    The Greate Drpession begain, and Weimar democracy proved unable to cope with national despair. Paul vo Hindenburg created a new government with chancellors and cabinet ministers. The Nazi Party won an important victory, capturing 18.3% of the vote to make it the second largest party in the Reichstag.
  • Hitler is Elected

    In the election of July 1932, the Nazi Party won 37% of the Reichstag seats, thanks to a massive propaganda campaign
  • Hindenbrug is re-elected

    Hindenburg's term as president was ending in the spring of 1932. At age 84, he was reluctant to run again, but knew that if he didn't, Hitler would win. Hindenburg won the election, but Hitler received 37% of the vote.
  • Hilter is Fuhrer

    -Hitler declares himself Fûhrer. -Oath of loyalty to Hitler made by the armed forces -Referendum sees this act confirmed with 89.3% of the vote in favour.