History Project

  • 1442

    The Colombian Exchange

    The Colombian Exchange
    The movement of diseases, ideas, foods, crops, and people between the New World and the Old World. Out of all the things involved int he Colombian Exchange, I think the food was the most important. Some New World foods were corn, potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, chili peppers, vanillas, tobacco, beans, pumpkin, cacao (chocolate), etcetera. (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fDCewIYonDR8HXnL-3kSmsh58znwn6Vfjgyn1VD2SP4/edit#slide=id.g164efb6bee_0_8)
  • 1492

    Colombian Exchange (Continued)

    Colombian Exchange (Continued)
    Some Old World foods were apples, bananas, broccoli, carrots, cattle (beef), cheese, cherries, chickens, chickpeas, cinnamon, coffee, cows, grapes, honey, lemons, lettuce, limes, mangos, etcetera. I think food is the most important because imagine living without some of these foods.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    At the end of the Seven Years’ War in 1763, France surrendered Canada and much of the Ohio and Mississippi
    valleys two-thirds of eastern North America—England. The Proclamation of 1763 “preserved to the said
    Indians” the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains and ordered white settlers “there forthwith to remove
    themselves from such Settlements” forbade white settlement and restricted commerce with the American Indians. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EpMWVaIHhlXjrt47M7RA3bQZS8wYao1y/view)
  • Battle at Saratoga

    Battle at Saratoga
    The battle at Saratoga was when the Continental Army led by Benedict Arnold defeated the British who were trying to isolate the northern colonies. This is significant because this victory proved that the Americans could actually defeat Great Britain. As such, France signed a treaty with America and sent soldiers, money, supplies, guns, and its navy to aid the patriot cause.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    In 1793, Eli Witney created a machine that separates cotton seeds from the cotton. It produces cotton 50 times faster than a slave. Cotton became the greatest source of wealth. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eNgdQCpBoZBI8gQmUnXUfT1e-frMafHu5HdHDfd-YWU/edit#slide=id.p7
  • Russian Folk Music

    Russian Folk Music
    The performance of music in Russia has a long tradition. Originally, it was mixed with multiple forms of art music, however, in the late 19th century it began to take on the rise in popularity of folkloric bands, such as the folk choir movement led by Mitrofan Pyatnitsky and Russian folk instruments.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    The Manifest Destiny was the idea of spreading America "from sea to shining sea,". The Manifest Destiny was destined by God to make America spread from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Furthermore, the U.S was growing and they needed more room.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    A law that forced the Native Americans out of their homeland and into Oklahoma. They had a long walk to get to Oklahoma and some Natives died along the way. Some had horses to carry them, others had to walk to whole way with their families. (America Story of Us)
  • Country Music

    Country Music
    Country music was once very popular, before rap and hip-hop in the late 20th to early 21st century. It was so popular because they didn't have much else. They couldn't play other music like rap because it wasn't invented yet. But for country, all you need is a guitar and you're all set!
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War
    The Civil War was a war against the Union and Confederates or the North and South. The fought because of two major reasons. First, the Union wanted to abolish slavery, whereas the Confederates wanted to keep it. Another reason was because of the Manifest Destiny. Both sides wanted to spread from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, or from "Sea to Shining Sea."
  • Electricity and Music

    Electricity and Music
    When electricity was invented, that lead to the computer and the iPhone. Both of these tools were used to help make music. After electricity was invented, you can probably imagine the change in music since you could make a lot more sounds with technology. Before this, music was made by instruments played by hand such as the violin or the trumpet.
  • Baseball

    Baseball is a sport invented by Abner Doubleday in Newyork. This sport was invented in 1893 and it is very popular in America and other countries too such as Canada, Japan, and Puerto Rico. The goal of the game is to get as many players to Home Plate as possible, and you can do this by hitting the ball with a bat and running around the three other bases to back to where you started.
  • Scottish/Irish Music

    Scottish/Irish Music
    In Scottland and Ireland, they play an instrument called the bagpipes. The bagpipe is a wind instrument with a number of pipes and a bag. What is called the chanter, or melody pipe, has finger holes that are played to make the tune. Three other pipes, called drones, have bass pitches and tenor pitches with one bass and two tenor drones. The electric bagpipe was invented in the 20th century.
  • Virginia Stamp Act

    Virginia Stamp Act
    Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions Patrick Henry produced 7 resolutions to help the colonists. Here are 2 simple versions of them
    Resolved, that the first adventurers and settlers of His Majesty's colony and dominion of Virginia brought with them and transmitted to their posterity. Resolved, that by two royal charters, granted by King James I, the colonists aforesaid are declared entitled to all liberties and privileges.
  • World War One

    World War One
    World War One was made up of four things. Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism. Militarism was the glorifying of military power such as building an army bigger than any other army. Alliances are when one country teams up with another and protects them when they go to war. Imperialism is when a larger country easily dominates a smaller country to gain more land. And finally, Nationalism, which is a strong feeling of pride and loyalty to your own nation.
  • The Automobile

    The Automobile
    The first affordable car for everyone was made in 1920 by Henry Ford. The very first car was made in 1890 that ran on boiling water. It was very expensive and only the rich could afford them. Henry Ford made a car called the "Model T" that ran on oil and was much more affordable. (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dq5jxkXYiNuCfV3abj8nathg5gFW7tKT/view)
  • Football

    American Football was invented in 1920. The goal of football is to try to score as many touchdowns or getting the ball to the other end of the field, as possible. The way to do this is by either running with the ball or throwing it to a teammate and hoping that they can score for your team.
  • POP

    POP has been around since 1950. Clearly, everyone liked it because it is still around today! Even our parents liked it when they were teens. POP includes artists such as Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Justin Beiber, etcetera! If you think about it, your favorite genre of music might have been around for almost 70 years!
  • Rock Music

    Rock Music
    Rock music was invented by Chuck Berry in 1955. Rock music is the kind your dad likes to listen to and probably listened as a teenager too. If your family is like mine, nobody in your family likes it except your dad, who has all the radio stations in his car set to rock.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The U.S noticed Soviet Missiles in Cuba aimed at the U.S. This lead to the U.S aiming Missiles back at them and building a naval blockade around Cuba. At this point, both sides decided they didn't want a war, so they made the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, prohibiting nuclear weapon tests and nuclear explosions.
  • Old Rap Music

    Old Rap Music
    Rap Music was first invented in 1970. When rap was first invented, it was much different than rap these days. One thing is, it was a lot less popular and sounded a lot different.
  • 9/11

    A terrorist that was in a group known as Al Qaeda highjacked an American plane with innocent passengers and flew them into the Twin Towers in New York. The Twin Towers had 104 stories in each building and they were packed with people. The planes hit at around the 80th floor, which might not seem that bad because the people below escaped, but the planes disabled the elevators leaving no escape and over 3000 people died from this attack.
  • Dubstep

    Dubstep music is usually non-lyrical music made completely from a computer. A lot of people think it's annoying or just noise coming out of a machine, but others think it's good, exciting, and a fun thing to play to get pumped up such as for a sports event.
  • New Rap Music

    New Rap Music
    Rap nowadays is a lot different than rap from the 90's. In 2018, a lot of people just think rap is talking with a beat in the background. But for me, I don't think of it as just talking. I like to think of it as poetry.