• 3 BCE

    Palaeolithic period

    Palaeolithic period
    The Paleolithic is a stage of prehistory of humans characterized by the instruments of carved stone. Is a longest and oldest period in history.
  • 2 BCE

    Neolithic period

    Neolithic period
    In this period the humans discover agriculture and the branch, Thanks to this they became sedentary.
  • 1 BCE

    Metal age

    Metal age
    It is the last period of the three pricipal stages. It is characteristic for the use of iron as a metal.
  • 400

    middle age

    middle age
    It is the second of the three traditional divisions of the occident history. The name was put by the humanists as a derogatory term since they considered it to be a dark period in the midst of cultural splendor.
  • 700


    It is a general term to refer a historic cultural period of the Mediterranean that will begin with the first gregaric poetry that will last the decline roman empire.
  • 1453

    Modern age

    Modern age
    In the modern age America was discovered and ended in the French Revolution, a new economic system began, the mercantile.
  • Contemporary age

    Contemporary age
    The contemporary age is the concept that applies to the last great period of history, which includes since the French Revolution in 1789 and above the end of the present day.