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History periods

  • 30,000 BCE

    Paloeolitic period

    Paloeolitic period
    The paleloitic period was the longest period and an estimation when the paleolitic was created is in 2,59 million years before crist
  • 20,000 BCE

    neolithic period

    neolithic period
    The most important changes in theneolithic period were that the humans became sedentary also the humans discovered the agriculture, lifestock and economy.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Metal ages

    Metal ages
    The metal ages were the time when the humans discovered ones of the most important metals like the cooper the bronze or the iron,with their respective ages ( Iron age,cooper age and bronze age.)
    And it's the end of the prehistory.
  • 700 BCE


    The antiquity is the first age of the history (the history starts when the humans know the scripture) and it was when the roman empire and the greek empire were living.
  • 400

    Middle ages

    Middle ages
    The middle age is one of the most famous ages because it has the famous knight that have to rescue a princess and kill a dragon to do it but the middle age also had another things like the black death.
    The middle age was between the century V to the century XV
  • modern ages

    modern ages
    The modern ages were between the years 1600 to the years 1899
    In the modern ages there were a lot of discoverments like the modern mecanisms but there were also "wars" like the french revolution
  • Contemporany age

    Contemporany age
    The contemporany age is the age that we are living now and it start in 1900 to nowadays.
    In the contemporany age happened a lot of things like the first and the secon wold wars or the civil war of Spain.