Paleoweb evolution poster

History of the Theory of Evolution

  • 334

    334 BC Zeno of Citium

    334 BC Zeno of Citium
    Zeno of Citium (334–262 BC) , agreed with Aristotle and other earlier philosophers that nature showed clear evidence of being designed for a purpose.
    This helped evolution in saying that again organisms were the way they were to help them survive.
  • 400

    400 BC Chinese Beleifs

    400 BC Chinese Beleifs
    around 400BC Chinese thinkers such as Zhuangzi possed the idea that species change overtime.
    philosophers in China at the time thought that species had developed differing attributes in response to differing environments. This helped evolution in saything that species change over time due to changing enviorments.
  • 400

    Biships veiw on Evolution

     Biships veiw on Evolution
    Augustine of Hippo said that all of gods creation were imperfect and changed slowly overtime. Early idea of Evolution
  • Jan 1, 610

    620 BC From the water theory

    620 BC From the water theory
    610 BC Anaximander of Miletus proposed that the first animals were water creatures, during a wet phase of the Earth's past, and that the first land-dwelling creatures must have been born in water, and only spent part of their life on land. He also argued that the first human of the form known today must have been the child of a different type of animal.
    This helped evolution due to the idea that species came from another completely different one.
  • Jan 12, 610

    610 BC

    610 BC
    Anaximander claimed that nature is ruled by laws, just like human societies, and anything that disturbs the balance of nature does not last long. Anaximanders theory is relevant due to the Natural laws as one of them is "Survial of the fittest"
  • Jan 12, 1000

    Golden Age

    Golden Age
    In the Islamic Golden Age of the 8th to the 13th centuries, philosophers explored more philosical ideas wich said that non-living things can become living: "from mineral to plant, from plant to animal, and from animal to man"
    This delevopled the idea that organisms can come from other things.
  • Deffinition given to word "species"

    Deffinition given to word "species"
    John Ray was the first person to produce a biological definition of what a species is. This definition comes in the 1686 History of plants: This is important due to the fact you cant say how one species becomes another unless you know what a species is.
  • Systema Naturae published

    Systema Naturae published
    A book dedicated to exactually species of plants were. Knowing the differences in species can help you see differences in the species.
  • Maupertuis Contributions

    Maupertuis Contributions
    Maupertuis wrote in 1751 of natural mutations occurring during reproduction over many generations can produce new species.
  • retrogression

    Buffon suggested that species couldr regress and end up different organisms
  • PreDarwin German ideas

    PreDarwin German ideas
    The German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) developed an idea that is relatively close to modern thinking. Based on similarities between organisms, Kant speculated that they may have come from a single ancestral source. Theory of evolution
  • 1st Generation of Darwins evolution

    1st Generation of Darwins evolution
    Erasmus Darwin (Charles Darwins grandfather) proposed that all warm-blooded animals could have descended from a single micro-organism Saying that all organisms come from one originall ansester was a idea of evolution.
  • Jean-Baptiste Lamarack's Theory

    Jean-Baptiste Lamarack's Theory
    Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's (1744-1829) Lamarck thought species were not being fixed and immutable, but rather in a constantly changing state. This was a plasible explanation as to why organnisms addapted to their surroundings.
  • Georges Cuvier Calculates age of world

    Georges Cuvier Calculates age of world
    Georges Cuvier in the Early 1800's suggested that based on his calculations, the earth was 6,000 years old,
    Saying the world was this old added some more beleif into the fact that things could evolve due to the time it takes to do so.
  • An early explanation of Evolution

    An early explanation of Evolution
    French zoologist Jean Baptiste de Lamarck suggested that if a new trait is desired that its response is to change to its environment. Evidence for this was the idea that the neck of the giraffe stretched as it reached for food. Lamarck's theory of gained favor, and his theory accepted until the time of Charles Darwin, many years later.
  • Charles Lyell's evidence of the worlds Age

    Charles Lyell's evidence of the worlds Age
    In 1830, Charles Lyell published evidence pushing the age of the earth back several million years. Which deffently added to the idea that things would have the time to evolve.
  • 50 BC Roman beleifs

    50 BC Roman beleifs
    50 BC) Roman philosophers and atomist, wrote the poem On the Nature of Things. It describes the development of the cosmos, the Earth, living things, and human society through purely naturalistic mechanisms, without any reference to supernatural involvement. The basic idea was "Surval of the better addapted" This goes along with the theory of evolution and is a precurser of Darwins Publshed works
  • 490 BC Combining of Species Theory

    490 BC Combining of Species Theory
    Empedocles (c. 490–430 BC), Stated that all species mixbreed and combine to produce what we know of today as differnt Species.
    (Like a Liger)
    This added to the idea of evolution to say things changed over time.
  • Platos Theory

    Platos Theory
    Plato (c. 428–348 BC) promoted belief in essentialism,which holds that every object in the observed world is an imperfect manifestation of the ideal, form or "species" which defines that type. Plato tells a story that the Demiurge created the cosmos and everything in it because, being good, and hence, "... free from jealousy, He desired that all things should be as like Himself as they could be"
    This was relvant to the theory of evolutoin as it was a rival theory that was completely different.
  • 384 BC Aristotle's Hierarchy of organism

    384 BC Aristotle's Hierarchy of organism
    Aristotle (384–322 BC),classified organisms in relation to a hierarchical "Ladder of Life" or "Chain of Being", placing them according to their complexity of structure and function. Aristotle believed living organisms features clearly showed clearly that they must have had what he called a final cause, that they had been designed for a purpose. This helped the theory of evolution adding to the idea that species living cleatly were addapted to thier enviorment.