History of the Computer

By papcst
  • The Arithometer

    ArithometerCharles Xavier Thomas de Colmar creates a device that can do addition, subtraction, mulitplication, and division.
  • The Difference Engine

    The Difference EngineCharles Babbage begins developing the Difference Engine, which can compute sets of numbers to find the solutions of the equations.
  • Analytical Engine

    Analytical EngineFirst device that uses punch cards as memory and for programming code.
  • Long-Range Radio Waves

    Long-Range Radio Waves Marconi sends the first radio transmission across the Atlantic.
  • Radiotelephone Service

    Radio-Telephone Service The first radiotelephonic services are offered in the US and Great Britain.
  • ROM-type Data

    ROM-type dataROM-type media data is created.
  • Z1

    Z1Konrad Zuse develops the Z1, the first digital binary computer that was controlled with punch tape.
  • Dvorak Keyboard

    Dvorak KeyboardThe patent for the Dvorak keyboard is received, and later becomes the template for the QWERTY keyboard.
  • ABC Computer

    ABC ComputerJohn Atanasoff and Clifford Berry, from Iowa State, begin working on the first electronic binary computer.
  • Complex Number Calculator

    CNC First calculator that can compute "complex numbers" , made by George Stibitz.
  • ABC Computer

    Prototype ABC Atanasoff and Clifford create the first prototype of the ABC computer.
  • Z3

    Z3Konrad Zuse publically introduces the Z3, the first fully operational programming machine.
  • The Colossus

    The ColossusThe Colossus, the first electric programmable computer, is demonstrated by Tommy Flowers.

    ENIAC ConstructionBuidling he Electronic Numerial Integrator and Computer (also the first general-purpose calculator) begins.
  • ASR

    ASR The ASR is the first computer to recognize spoke single-digit numbers.
  • Long-Distance Call

    Long-Distance Call The first long-distance call is made from MIT, connecting two devices in California and Massachusetts.
  • Unix

    First Edition of Unix The first edition of UNIX is released.
  • First Major Crash

    First Major Crash ARPANET has its first major crash.
  • World Wide Web is Launches

    WWW is Launched The World Wide Web is launched for the first time.
  • Twitter is Launched

    Twitter Launch The domain for twitter is launched for the first time.