
History of Technology in Hospitality

By hmc0910
  • Hotels start putting swimming pools on property

    Hotels start putting swimming pools on property
  • Public ice machines and In-room refrigerators installed in hotels

    Public ice machines and In-room refrigerators installed in hotels
  • Telephones installed in guest rooms

    Telephones installed in guest rooms
  • Color TVs installed in guest rooms

    Color TVs installed in guest rooms
  • First graphic POS system invented

    First graphic POS system invented
  • Electronic door keys

    Electronic door keys
  • Electronic safes installed in guest rooms

    Electronic safes installed in guest rooms
  • Check-out via TV remote

    Check-out via TV remote
  • Exedia is launched by Microsoft

    Exedia is launched by Microsoft
  • Wireless internet access introduced in hotels

    Wireless internet access introduced in hotels
  • WiFi invented by Apple

    WiFi invented by Apple