Institution Nationale des Jeunes Aveugles
Valentin Haüy was the founder of "Institution Nationale des Jeunes Aveugles". This institution is mostly known as the first school in the world that provided education for blind people. The students would learn about the basic subjects like Math, Reading, Science, Music, and they would also learn about the variety of manual trades. -
Am Asylum Education of the Deaf and Dumb
This was the first permanent school that provided education for deaf Americans. In this school they would provide the students some manual trainings that they believe was suitable for their future welfare or a way to acquire the basic of trades. The trainings consist on bookbinding, cabinet-making, printing, needlework, and shoe-making. -
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
CEC was organized by a small group of educators from Teachers College, Columbia University. This organization was formed to promote and define the importance of choosing special education as a profession. CEC would also be responsible in preparing the educators to become professionals that will give all their maximum potential in order to provide the children with disabilities the best education they can receive. https://exceptionalchildren.org/standards/history -
National Association for Retarded Children
This organization was created by a group of parents that gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They created this organization for the people with disabilities to get the same equal human rights and services like the other people. This organization also helps in including people with disabilities to be more involved in their communities. -
Brown v. Board of Education
"Separated but equal" was a legal form to introduce segregation in schools, restaurants, and mostly everywhere but unfortunately they were never equal. Which leads to the purpose of this case where they get to "finalize" segregation in education and makes the school be integrated. https://www.history.com/videos/brown-v-board-of-education -
Elementary & Secondary Education Act
This act provides funding and scholarships for low-income students, promoted equal access for equal education, and ensure that all schools had the correct resources to teach the students. It mostly helped students with mobility problems, learning disabilities, poverty, disabilities, and new English learners. -
PARC vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
This lawsuit consisted on state laws that denied access to public school to children with mental disabilities. During the court process they noticed that they will be violating the 14th amendment rights. In results of the lawsuit they stated that all American children have the right for a free and appropriate public education. -
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
It ensure that students with disabilities had equal access to public schools, which include modifications where they can be reasonably accommodated to the same classroom environment with students with no disabilities. It made students with disabilities be more involved in school activities and educational programs along with students with no disabilities. -
The Education for Handicapped Children Act
This act consisted in ensuring that all children with disabilities had the right to a free and appropriate public education. It also helped handicapped students to be in the same classroom as the non-handicapped students. The act also required that all public school accept the federal funds in order to provide the equal education for children with disabilities. This act is now known as (IDEA) which stands for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act -
No Child Left Behind Act
This Act was signed by President George W. Bush. It consisted in schools to have annual standardized tests on the main subjects reading and math in order to see their student's academic achievement. This way the school and educators can provide help in improving the student's performance.