History of Special Education and Inclusive Education Timeline

  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    The Supreme court ruled that "separate but equal" regulations did not violate the 14th Amendment of the United States. It solidfied the need and understanding of equal protection for any citizen.
  • The Council for Exceptional Children

    The Council for Exceptional Children
    The Council for Exceptional Children is an organization that is considered the first advocacy group for children with disabilities. The group came around in 1922 out of New York City. CEC is one of the largest special education advocacy groups to date. The main objective of CEC is to ensure that children with special needs receive the love, care and education they deserve.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Brown v. Board of Education, a landmark court case overturned the Plessy v. Fergusen case claiming that "Separate is NOT Equal." This court case brought more issues to light, brining attention to facts that it's not only black v white in schools but also special needs (atypical) students v. typical students. With this many advocacy groups were established to inform the nation of the real world issue/problem the United States education programs faced.
  • Children with Specific Learning Disablilties Act

    Children with Specific Learning Disablilties Act
    Public passed fundings for teachers to be able to be trained and be taught on how to teach and inspire students with learning disabilities. This was the first time in which federal law mandated and encouraged support services for children with learning disabilities.
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act as known as PL 94-142 was placed into law November 29th 1975. Special education advocacy groups rejoiced as they celebrated the passing of this law signed by President Ford. This is one of the most important laws signed and passed, for it established a free and appropriate education in any environment. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-89/pdf/STATUTE-89-Pg773.pdf
  • Handicap Infants and Toddlers Program

    Handicap Infants and Toddlers Program
    Handicap Infants and Toddlers Program created a new law that included children from birth to age two. This provision called for all children with special needs, the children will now be included statewide.
  • American with Disabilities Act

    American with Disabilities Act
    The American with Disabilities Act also known as ADA was first signed into law on July 26th, 1990. This act guaranteed that all special need individual have the same rights as others around them. This solidified the freedom and rights that special need individuals obtained from birth. This act proved that special need individual will never be discriminated against school, work, or everyday society. This act created a new standard of treatment for all special need individuals.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was signed into law almost thirty years after PL-142 by President George W. Bush. The law included 6 pillars: FAPE, LRE, IEP, Evaluation, Parent/Student Participation, and procedural safeguards for the participants. This law sections known as A-D.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    No Child Left Behind was signed by the President in 2002. This law brought forward the idea that all students had to be proficient learners of math and reading by the year 2014. Once signing this law some schools did not want to participate. It was documented that scores where being fabricated and schools were cheating their way through the act.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Reauthorized

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Reauthorized
    On December 3rd, 2004; the President signed the reauthorized IDEA into law. The newly authorized IDEA provisions were placed into action on July 1st, 2005. This reauthorization made changes to the original IDEA such as IEPs, due process, and student discipline.