History of Special Education and Inclusive Education

  • Elementary & Secondary Education Act

    Elementary & Secondary Education Act
    The special education act was passed on April 11, 1965. What this act did was it allowed funding to go to these schools. The funds were to go to different learning materials, like books etc. They also went to education programs. The main purpose was to ensue schools were getting the best quality education for the students.
  • Penn. Assoc. for Retarded Children Case

    Penn. Assoc. for Retarded Children Case
    Penn. Assoc. for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Penn.: In Pennsylvania, there was a case where children who were not at the same mental age that they should be were not getting the same education they were supposed to be. Once the case was brought to court it was quickly settled. Pennsylvania came to an agreement to provide free public education to the students with intellectual disabilities. Due to that verdict, it became the basis for the Education for All Handicapped Children Act.
  • Mills v. Board of Educ. of DC

    Mills v. Board of Educ. of DC
    Here, the school claimed that all of their students would be getting the same education as others, but this did not occur. Some plaintiffs were told that their children would be put in a program that support education, others were also told they would be recommended for special tuition grants. None of the children were placed in any program. The Court ruled in favor of the students saying that students with disabilities must be given public education, even if they are not able to pay for it.
  • Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act

    Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act
    This act was a very important addition. It was a national law that protects qualified individuals from any form of discrimination due to their disability. This was the first law the removed the barriers stopping people from not being able to get jobs in places like agriculture, employment, and transport barriers.
  • Education for all Handicapped Children Act

    Education for all Handicapped Children Act
    This act was a very big step forward for children with disabilities. This act helped children have equal access to education and at least one free meal per day. It was for children for physical and mental disabilities. The range of age of these students is between 3-21 years old.
  • Board of Educ. of HHCD v. Rowley

    Board of Educ. of HHCD v. Rowley
    This is a case that happened on June 28,1982, it went all the way up to the US supreme court. Furnace woods school failed to provide a deaf student with a sign language interpreter. They school said that because she was very good at reading lips and could hear a bit, there was no need for her to have an interpreter. Her parents sued for the violation of Education for all Handicapped Children Act and won the case.
  • Handicapped Children Protection Act

    Handicapped Children Protection Act
    This Act allowed funds to help assist schools and programs in educating children with disabilities. It also made sure children between the ages 3-5 are guaranteed free and appropriate public education, such as those students that do not have a disability. The Act also provided for parents to be a part of the IEP process.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education act (IDEA)

    Individuals with Disabilities Education act (IDEA)
    The purpose of this act is to service all children ages 3-21 with disabilities, with a Free Appropriate Public Education. It is designed to fit the child's specific needs and helps prepare the children for their future educational needs, future employment, and independency.The Act is not only important for children, but also to help parents with the support they need to help their children reach their maximum potential (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66g6TbJbs2g)
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This Act was done by congress. They reauthorized the Elementary and secondary education act. It required schools to test students in reading and math from grade 3 to high school. This act added structure to the educational program by requiring students to be proficient in reading and math.
  • Indiv. with Disabilities Act Reauthorization

    Indiv. with Disabilities Act Reauthorization
    The reauthorization of the IDEA act has been brought more up to date, it has added strengths and expectations for the students and parents. Some changes included the addition of IEPs. They have shared responsibilities for educating students with disabilities. The parent and student must both be responsible for their own behavior with the SEA and LEAs.