History of Robotics

  • Jan 1, 1495

    The First Design

    The First Design
    Though Archytas (who created a steam-powered mechnical bird) and Ctesbius (who created a clock measured by water) can be credited with the creation of the first robots, the most recognizable design was drafted by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1495, shortly before he painted The Last Supper.
  • The Difference Engine

    The Difference Engine
    Created by Charles Babbage, the Difference Engine (and later the Analyctical Engine, which was more powerful) was meant to serve as a calculator for polynomial functions. Essentially, he sought to create an error-free "Human Computer"
  • The Use of ROBOT

    The Use of ROBOT
    Karel Capek wrote R.U.R (Rossum's Universal Robots) about a society where cyborgs or androids are created using synthetic matter and named "Robota" or slave. The story is responsible for coining the use of robot as we know it today.
  • Laws of Robotics

    Laws of Robotics
    Isaac Asimov wrote the story "Runaround" in 1941 and published in 1942 that popularized the use of the term Robotics. This included the famous Laws of Robotics, which are:
    A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
    A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
    A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
  • Whirlwind and Reprogramming

    Whirlwind and Reprogramming
    In 1946, important things happened for robotics. John von Neumann introduced the concept of re-programmable computers, and the first general computer (named Whirlwind) solved its first problem at M.I.T.
  • Computing Machinery and Intelligence

    Computing Machinery and Intelligence
    Alan Turing writes a paper titled "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" and in it, introduces the idea of true artificial intelligence. This paper is what created the "Turing Test" where a machine passes if it can communicate with a human without revealing that it is a robot.

    The first industrial robot is installed in a General Motors factory in New Jersey. It was used to assist production.
  • Shakey

    Shakey was the first mobile robot with an artificial intelligence. Created at SRI International (Stanford's Center of Artificial Intelligence) it was, essentially, responsible for its own actions.