History of robotics

History of Robotics

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    Robotic Timeline

  • ASIMO is born!

    ASIMO is born!
    The Honda Motor Company developed ASIMO which stands for Advance Step in Innovative Mobility. ASIMO is the first robot that walks independently and walk up and down the stairs. It is 4 feet 3 inches. It can also understand preprogrammed gestures and spoken commands, and recognize faces.
  • Roomba

    <a href='' >http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2023689_2026093_2023734,00.html</a> A group of M.I.T. braniacs created Roomba in 2002. It is a robot that vacuums your house for you running on rechargable batteries. Its sensors keep it from bumping into walls and furniture or falling off staircases. When it finishes a room it beeps and turns itself off.
  • Domo

    What sets Domo apart is it's ability to sense and respond to its surroundings. It can also recognize people, pick up cups, and shake people's hands. It's fine-tuned human like eyes can see what its looking at.
  • The New Mars Rover

    The New Mars Rover
    This New Rover being sent to Mars is 9ft long, runs on a chunk of plutonium, and carries 176lbs of scientific instruments including a neutron gun; for firing at the ground to detect permafrost.
  • The Bionic Hand

    The Bionic Hand
    The world's first commercially available bionic hand took many hands and years to develop. It has the power hold for larger things like coffee mugs. Research on the device bega in the 1960's in United Kingdom's national heallth system.Now hundreds of people around the world are using Touch Bionic's bionic hand.
  • The Mobile, Dexterous, Social Robot

    The Mobile, Dexterous, Social Robot
    Nexi is the first of a new class of robot being developed at MIT's Media Lab and referred to as MDS, which stands for mobile, dexterous, social. Nexi can, or eventually will be able to, move around on wheels (hence mobile), and it can pick up objects (dexterous). But its most striking feature is its humanlike, albeit creepy, face, which can express a startling range of emotions (social).
  • English Teaching Robot

    English Teaching Robot
    This brightly colored android is to help South Korean Students fluent in English. Some of the human teachers are even worried about these robots taking their jobs.
  • Lifeguard Robot EMILY

    Lifeguard Robot EMILY
    The Lifeguard Robot EMILY stands for Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard. EMILY is a robotic buey that can swim through riptides at a speed of 24 m.p.h. The creator (Tony Mulligan) says that makes her about 15 times as fast as an average lifeguard.
  • Titan Supercomputer

    Titan Supercomputer
    It's the second fastest supercomputer in the world and it's located in the Oak Ridge Natioinal Library. With 10 petabytes of storage, and it holds the second largest amount in the world.
  • NAO Robot

    NAO Robot
    The humanoid machine known as NAO is a major step forward in robotics. For it can sense emotion, use emotions. and respond to your emotions. Through body language and detecting ones face using it's digital camera.