
history of policing

  • first american police force

    first american police force
    Boston established first police force.
  • first american detective agency

    first american detective agency
    Alan Pinkerton created america's first detective agency
  • worlds first fingerprint system

    worlds first fingerprint system
    Juan Vucctich creates the worlds first fingerprints classification system
  • first detective force (FBI)

    first detective force (FBI)
    Charles Bonaparte lobbyed congress to set up a permanence detective force (that shall later be known as the FBI)
  • first woman hired

    first woman hired
    Lola G. Baldwin, first female police woman hired
  • prohibition

    banning of alcohol takes place 1919-1933
  • ACLU

    ACLU (american civil liberties union) created to protect constitutional rights
  • national database created

    national database created
    Vollmer advocates for lie detectors and sets up the national database
  • first crime lab

    first crime lab
    first police crime lab created
  • interpol created

    interpol created
    International Criminal Police Organization created
  • Quantico

    FBI creates own crime lab in Quantico
  • prohibition ends

    prohibition ends
    ban against alcohol ends
  • brooklyn grand jury investigates police

    brooklyn grand jury investigates police
    brooklyn grand jury investigates police for gambling play offs
  • police professionalism

    police professionalism
    O.W. Wilson sets standard for police professionalism
  • miranda rights

    miranda rights
    miranda rights established
  • police corruption

    police corruption
    KNAPP commission formed to investigate corruption related to gambling and drugs