
history of Pizza

  • Where was pizza from?

    Where was pizza from?
    Pizza was from Naples, Italy. When the pizza came out and was starting to get famous, trades started coming in and their population started to grow from 200,000 1700 to 399,000 in 1748.
  • Queen margherita

    Queen margherita
    In 1889 king Umberto Queen Margherita was sick of their french dishes that were served all the time. After eating french food all the time the queen sumonded pizza quickly and she tried three pizzas one with lard, caciocavallo and basil; another with cecenielli; and a third with tomatoes, mozzarella and basil but the last one she ate was her favorite because it had the color of the flag. Today that pizza the queen had is called “margherita pizza”.
  • When did Pizza come to Australia?

    When did Pizza come to Australia?
    Pizza came to Australia in the late 1940’s when the Greek and Italins migrated to Australia in the second war.
  • when did domino's pizza come to australia?

     when did domino's pizza come to australia?
    Dominos pizza came to Australia in 2000, but back then it was called Silvio's Dial-a-Pizza. In 2001 Silvio's Dial-a-Pizza was renamed Domino’s pizza.
  • Pizza is now a big thin in Australia 2022

    Pizza is now a big thin in Australia 2022
    Today Pizza is Australia 2022 most popular takeaway food dish.