History of Pencils

By mbprice
  • Period: Apr 26, 1500 to


  • Apr 26, 1565

    Graphite deposit discovered

    An enormous deposit of graphite is discovered in Grey Knotts, England.
  • Germans create pencil-like device

    Using powdered graphite, the Germans invent a graphite stick used for writing.
  • Pencils get a wooden holder

    Italians first add wood to the outside of graphite sticks, creating something resembling a modern pencil.
  • Period: to

    Modern pencils

  • George Washington uses a pencil to survey Ohio Territory

    George Washington uses a pencil to survey Ohio Territory
  • Solid graphite emerges

    Inventor Henry Bessemer invents a method to turn powdered graphite into solid graphite.
  • The eraser emerges

    Hymen Lipman received the first patent for attaching an eraser to the end of a pencil.
  • The British crown takes over the deposit

    After realizing its usefulness in lining cannonballs, the British royalty take over the Grey Knolls deposit.