69598311 1 imagens de mp3 player 1 gb pen drive fm gravador voz

History of MP3 Playerrs

  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

    Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Institut in Germany began researchcode-named EUREKA project EU147, Digital AudioBroadcasting (DAB)
  • MPEG

    Moving Picture Experts Group or MPEG was established as a subcommittee of the International Standards. (Day not av
  • MP3 in the US

    MP3 in the US
    A United States patent is granted to the German inventors of MP3 format.
  • Wimnamp Ceated

    Wimnamp Ceated
    Two German college students bring the AMP playback engine to Windows, creating Winamp, the first MP3 playback software for Windows.(month and day not avaliable)
  • Fees

    Fraunhofer started to enforce their patent rights. All developers of MP3 encoders or rippers and decoders/players now have to pay a licensing fee to Fraunhofer. (Day not available)
  • Sensory Science RaveMP 2100

    Sensory Science RaveMP 2100
    The Sensory Science RaveMP 2100 arrives. It's the first MP3 player with 64MB of memory, voice-recording capabilities and an FM tuner ( Month and date not available)
  • Flashdrive MP3s

    Flashdrive MP3s
    Subpop is the first to distribute music tracks in the Mp3 format.
  • First Ipod Released

    First Ipod Released
    The Apple iPod debuts, offering 5GB of storage and seamless integration with the iTunes Music Library, but only if you've got a Mac.