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History of Intelligence

  • General Intelligence (g)

    General Intelligence (g)
    Charles Spearman believed we have one of these that underlies specific mental abilities. He also helped develop factor analysis (a statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related items).
  • Primary Mental Abilities

    Primary Mental Abilities
    Thurstone came up with that our intelligence may be broken down into seven factors (word fluency, verbal comprehension, spatial ability, perceptual speed, numerical ability, inductive reasoning, memory).
  • Intelligence Test

    Intelligence Test
    Alfred Binet published these in France.
  • Operant Conditioning

    Operant Conditioning
    Theory was led to by Thorndike’s article on animal intelligence.
  • IQ

    William Stern developed the formula for this after studying the intelligence tests.
  • Measured Intelligence

    Measured Intelligence
    Robert Yerkes developed the Army Alpha and Beta Tests which were used with new recruits in the US Military.
  • Social Intelligence

    Social Intelligence
    Edward Thorndike proposed the know-how involved in comprehending social situations and managing oneself.
  • Intellectual Assessment

    Intellectual Assessment
    Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence tests were published and became the most widely used.
  • Cognitive Development

    Cognitive Development
    Jean Piaget published his “Psychology of Intelligence.”
  • Verbal Intelligence

    Verbal Intelligence
    According to Earl Hunt, verbal intelligence scores are predictable from the speed with which people retrieve information from memory and in the words of Philip Vernon, “faster cognitive processing may allow more information to be acquired.”
  • Multiple Intelligence

    Multiple Intelligence
    Howard Gardner introduced this theory which explains that intelligence is something to be used to improve lives, not to measure and quantify humans.
  • Triarchic Theory

    Triarchic Theory
    Sternberg’s three intelligence (analytical, creative, practical intelligence)
  • Global Workspace

    Global Workspace
    John Duncan found that the frontal lobe (just about the outer edge of the eyebrows) may be a global workspace for organizing and coordinating information since various brain areas seemed to converge there.
  • Cites

    "History of Psychology 387 BC to Present at AllPsych Online." Psychology Classroom at AllPsych Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2013. http://allpsych.com/timeline.html. Myers, David G.. "Intelligence."Psychology. Ninth ed. New York, NY: Worth Publishers, 2010. 405-439. Print.