History of Genetics

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    Genetics Timeline

  • Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Mendel
    using pea plants and selective breeding, mendel found that parents pass certain traits onto offspring
  • Bateson and Punnet

    Bateson and Punnet
    William Bateson and Reginald Punnet found linked genes by beeding pea plants and observing two traits rather than one (Mendel).
  • Thomas Hunt Morgan

    Thomas Hunt Morgan
    Observed and bred fruit flies. Linked inheritance of traits to chromosomes and discovered genes.
  • Archibald Garrod

    Archibald Garrod
    Hypothesized that genes dictate phenotypes through enzymes.
    He proposed the relationship between genes and proteins
  • Frederick Griffith

    Frederick Griffith
    Performed experiments on a species of pnemeunia and bactaeria. Discovered DNA in cells.
  • George Beadle and Edward Tatum

    George Beadle and Edward Tatum
    Studied orange bread mold when in different medians. Together created the Gene-One hypothesis.
  • Erwin Chargriff

    Erwin Chargriff
    found that the amount of Adenine equals to the amount of Thymine and that the amount of Cytosine equals the amount of Guanine.
    Discovered the Base Pairing Rule: A=T & C=G
  • Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase

    Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase
    Tagged DNA and protein with radioactive phosphorous and sulfur. Discovered that DNA awas the genetic material.
  • Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin

    Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin
    Took an Xray crystallographic photo of Dna. Found first view of DNA
  • James Watson and Francis Crick

    James Watson and Francis Crick
    Using Wilkins picture, constructed Dna Molecules. Showed first model of DNA structure.
  • Marshall Nirenberg

    Marshall Nirenberg
    Synthesized RNA molecules using an uracil base. Deciphered the first condon.