German thumb

History of Former Infestations

  • Flea Infestation

    Flea Infestation
    Due to household pets. The solution was flea bombs in the house, also giving the cat flea powder, and changing the bedding of animals.
  • Period: to

    History of Former Infestations

    Due to household pets. The solution was flea bombs in the house, also giving the cat flea powder, and changing the bedding of animals.
  • German Cockroach Infestation

    German Cockroach Infestation
    Due to gaps under plumbing pipes, humid temperature at the base of the fridge, no air-conditioning, and not a temperature controlled house. Solution, filled holes, removed the fridge, and extension was put on the property soon after.
  • Locust Infestation in Roof

    Locust Infestation in Roof
    Due to a loose title the locusts were able to gain access and breed. Solution, checked and replaced the titles, and waited for them to die from lack of food.