History of Ethics in Psychology

  • Tuskeegee Syphilis Study

    The idea was "to document disease in blacks, and racial differences in the clinical manifestations of syphilis." I chose this because it shows how unethical research was back then because they allowed syphilis to spread.
  • B.F Skinner-Operant Conditioning

    B.F Skinner used electric shock on animals. I chose this because this theory is based upon the idea that learning is a function of change in overt behavior.
  • Stanley Milgram

    Stanley Milgram employed shock to humans. I chose this because after his experiment the world was upset. I chose this he was Jewish and he was influenced by the Holocaust. He was interested in researching how far people would go in obeying an instruction if it involved harming another person.
  • Zimbardo Prison Experiment

    The government selected 24 students from Stanford to participate in a 6-day experiment funded by the US Naval Research. They were randomly assigned the roles of a prisoner or guard." The study revealed how reasonable people could become unreasonable, and even sadistic when backed by ideological authority".
  • Tuskeegee Syphilis Study

    The end of the study.