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History of DNA on timeline.

  • Friedrich Misesher

    Friedrich Misesher
    DNA was first isolated by the Swiss physician, who discovered a microscopic substance in the pus of discarded surgical bandages. As it resided in the nuclei of the cell, he called it nuclein.
  • Archilbald Garrod

    Archilbald Garrod
    The proposal of the 'inborn' errors of metabolism.
  • Phoebus levene.

    Phoebus levene.
    He identified the base, sugar, and phosphate nucleotide unit. He suggested that DNA consisted of a string of nucleotide units linked together through the phosphate groups.
  • Hermann Joseph Muller

    Hermann Joseph Muller
    Hermann Muller conducted three experiments in1926-1927that demonstrated that exposure to x-rays, a form of high-energy radiation, can cause genetic mutations, changes to an organism's genome, particularly in egg and sperm cell
  • Frederick Griffith

    Frederick Griffith
    He was trying to find a vaccine against streptococcus pneumococcus, but instead made a breakthrough in the world of heredity. he did experiments in which he injected strands of bacteria into mice.
  • William Astbury.

    William Astbury.
    Wiliam Astbury produced the first x-ray diffraction patterns that showed that DNA had a regular structure.
  • Norman Horowitz.

    Norman Horowitz.
    He studied the genetic control of the ornithine cycle. He and his colleagues investigated mutant strains and they concluded that DNA is the transforming principle, and they published the results.
  • Erwin Chargaff.

    Erwin Chargaff.
    He discovered two rules that helped lead to the discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA, strongly hinting towards the base pair makeup.
  • Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin.

    Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin.
    They were the first to obtain very good x-ray diffraction images of the DNA fibers. At the time, little was known about the structure of DNA.
  • James watson and Francis Crick

    James watson and Francis Crick
    James Watson and Francis.C. began to examine the DNA's structure. Using previous x-ray diffraction photos of DNA fibers they discovered that it showed an x shape, which is also characteristic of a helix.