History of DNA

By mozma
  • Discovering DNA

    Discovering DNA
    Friedrich Miescher ( a swiss scientist) was the first to identify DNA through his study of white blood cells. He identified a material called nuclein, thus allowing the exploration of other chemical properties in DNA to begin.
  • Observation of Mitosis

    Observation of Mitosis
    Walter Flemming was the first to identify chromosome motion during mitosis/cell division. With his formation of staining chromosomes, he was able to eventually fully describe the whole cycle of mitosis and open the pathway for the basis of chromosome theory of inheritance.
  • Chromosome Theory of Herdity

    Chromosome Theory of Herdity
    Walter Sutton founded sperm and egg cells each recieve only one chromosome of each type. Which concluded that sperm and egg cells contain only half sets of chromosomes.
  • Fruit Flies Illuminate the Chromosome Theory

    Thomas Hunt Morgan accompanied by his team at Columbia University had proven that chromosomes carry genes, which are the units of heredity.
  • One Gene, One Enzyme

    One Gene, One Enzyme
    George Beadle and Edward Tatum showed that genes regulate distinct chemical events. Exposure to x-ray radiation can cause mutation in certain amino acids which can in turn alter genes
  • DNA - Transforming Principles

    DNA - Transforming Principles
    Colin MacLeod, Maclyn McCarty and Oswald Avery proved tha DNA clarify's the chemical nature of genes by transforming the properties of cells.
  • Genes are made of DNA

    Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase had proven only the DNA of a virus needs to enter a bacterium inorder to infect it . This then gave strong support to the theory that genes are made of DNA.
  • DNA copying enzymes

    DNA copying enzymes
    Arthur Kornberg and his team were the first to isolate an enzyme called DNA polymerase. This was later used to DNA sequencing and recombinant techniques.
  • mRNA Ferries Information

    mRNA Ferries Information
    Sydney Brenner, Francois Jacob, and Matthew Meselson had discovered that information from DNA (found in the nucleus) is delivered to protein-making machinery (in the cytoplasm) by a molecule called mRNA.
  • First Restriction Enzymes Described

    Several groups of researchers had discovered the ability to manipulate DNA. These manipulations are called restriction enzymes which can cut and identify specific sequences of DNA.
  • Animal Gene Cloned

    Animal Gene Cloned
    Stanford and UCSF researcher had fused a segment of DNA from an African clawed frog with a DNA from E.coli. The resultant DNA was placed into an E.coli cell where it was copied, and the gene directed production of a specific frog protein.
  • Introns Discovered

    Introns Discovered
    Richard Roberts' and Phil Sharp discovered eukaryotic genes contain introns which are interruptions. This spilt gene discovery changed the way scientist looked at the architecture of the genome.
  • First Disease Gene Mapped

    First Disease Gene Mapped
    By using DNA polymorphisms, a genetic marker identified a link between Huntington Disease on chromosome 4.
  • First Human Genetic Map

    Based on 400 RFLPs, the first comprehensive genetic map of human chromosomes was created. This identified variation in DNA sequences that can be observed by digesting DNA with restriction enzymes.

  • ELSI Founded

    The ELSI was the develoment of memebers of the U.S. Human Genome Project. They realized mapping and sequencing such information would better our world from an ethical, legal and social stand point.
  • Microbial Genome Project

    Founded by DOE, the microbial genome program was used to sequence the genomes of some bacteria . The purpose was for scientist to have a better understanding of microbial resources found on Earth.
  • Human DNA Seuquence Begins

    Human DNA Seuquence Begins
    The National Human Genome Research Institute funded project to find efficient techniques to completely sequence the human genome.
  • Mouse genetic map completed

    The completion of this map is highly valuable because humans and mice share mostly all of their genes. Further research on mice can help us grasp a greater understanding on human diseases.
  • E. coli Genome Sequenced

    E. coli Genome Sequenced
    The complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli was publihed. scientist believed this would help them better understand the bacterium.
  • Full-scale Human Genome Sequencing

    Full-scale human genome sequencing began a year and a half before originally anticipated due to the increase oh HGP's goals of sequencing 90% of the human genome to 2000.
  • Chromosome 22

    Chromosome 22
    HGP completed the first full-length sequence of a human chromosome. This demonstrated that HGPs method of clone-by-clone sequencing was highly accurate.
  • Chromosome 21

    Chromosome 21
    HGP completed seuquencing the second human chromosome to be fully seuquenced, chromosome 21.
  • First Draft of the Human Genome Sequence Released

    HGP had published the first analysis of the sequence of the human genome which covered about more than 90% of the genome.
  • Researchers Identify Gene Linked to Bipolar Disorder

    Rsearchers discovered that wo different single-nucleotide polymorphisms were linked to the disorder.
  • Human Genome Project Completed

    HGP completed full sequencing of the human genome 2 years ahead of shcedule.
  • The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Project Started

    The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Project Started
    The National Cancer Institute created the Cancer Genome Atlas Pilot Project. With a starting budget of 100 million dollars, they will map out the genomic changes amongst brain, ovarian and lung cancer.
  • Establish the Genetic and Environmental Causes of Common Diseases Launched

    These iniatives provided laboratories for study and research for the analysis of genetic variation among the population. This to help better understand specific diseases and better yet how to control them.