The first computer

History of Computers

  • Flip-Flop circuit

    Flip-Flop circuit
    Eccles and Jordan, invent the flip-flop circuit which will be used for high-speed electronic calculating which was and still is essential to computers.
  • 80 Column Punched Card

    IBM adopts the 80 column punched card . Important because it would be used in computers for the next 50 years
  • Model K

    Model K
    George Stibitz builds his model K a machine that can do math. This is important because it was one of the first functioning computer machines.
  • Z1

    Zuse introduces the Z1 which is the first computer to use the binary system which is important becasue the binary system is still used today.
  • Altair 8800

    Altair 8800
    Ed Roberts designs the Altair 8800. It is the beginning of the personal computers.
  • Beginning of Microsoft

    Beginning of Microsoft
    William Gates and Paul Allen offer to build a BASIC compiler for MITS. This is the start of what will become Microsoft
  • Osborne 1

    Osborne 1
    The first "portable" computer was created, the Osborne 1. It weighs 24 pounds and is the size of a suitcase. Was the beginning of portable computers and would lead to laptop inventions.
  • Adobe

    Adobe starts destop publishing with Postscript. Important because Adobe is now a major part of computers.
  • DVD's

    DVD disks came into the computer arena. This is important because it was a new way to save and share information.
  • iPad

    The first iPad was released important because of it's touch screen technology.