1941 zuse z3 large

History of Computers

  • Josheph-Marie Jacquard developed an automatic loom controlled by punch cards.

    Josheph-Marie Jacquard developed an automatic loom controlled by punch cards.
  • Joseph Henry invented the first electromechanical relay.

    Joseph Henry invented the first electromechanical relay.
  • Dorr Felt invents first printing desk calculator

    Dorr Felt invents first printing desk calculator
  • IBM standardizes on punched cards with 80 columns of data and rectangular holes.

    IBM standardizes on punched cards with 80 columns of data and rectangular holes.
  • IBM introduced the IBM 601 Multiplying Punch, an electromechanical machine that could read two numbers, up to 8 digits long, from a card and punch their product onto the same card

    IBM introduced the IBM 601 Multiplying Punch, an electromechanical machine that could read two numbers, up to 8 digits long, from a card and punch their product onto the same card
  • Konrad Zuse developed Plankalkül, the first higher-level programming language.

    Konrad Zuse developed Plankalkül, the first higher-level programming language.
  • ENIAC One of the first totally electronic, valve driven, digital, program-controlled computers was unveiled

    ENIAC  One of the first totally electronic, valve driven, digital, program-controlled computers was unveiled
  • This is considered the birthday of modern computing.

    This is considered the birthday of modern computing.
  • EDVAC becomes operational.

    EDVAC becomes operational.
  • CSIRAC used to play music – the first time a computer was used as a musical instrument.

    CSIRAC used to play music – the first time a computer was used as a musical instrument.
  • Whirlwind, the first real-time computer was built at MIT by the team of Jay Forrester for the US Air Defense System, became operational.

    Whirlwind, the first real-time computer was built at MIT by the team of Jay Forrester for the US Air Defense System, became operational.
  • Magnetic core memory developed.

    Magnetic core memory developed.
  • The floppy disk is invented at IBM by David Noble

    The floppy disk is invented at IBM by David Noble
  • Intel founded by Robert Noyce and a few friends.

    Intel founded by Robert Noyce and a few friends.
  • Ethernet developed, this became a popular way of connecting PCs and other computers together – to enable them to share data, and devices such as printers.

    Ethernet developed, this became a popular way of connecting PCs and other computers together – to enable them to share data, and devices such as printers.
  • Apple Computer, Inc. founded, to market the Apple I single-board computer designed by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.

    Apple Computer, Inc. founded, to market the Apple I single-board computer designed by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.
  • Apple II computer introduced based on an 8 bit MOS

    Apple II computer introduced based on an 8 bit MOS
  • Compact disc was invented.

    Compact disc was invented.
  • JavaScript development announced by Netscape.

    JavaScript development announced by Netscape.