HIstory of Computers

  • Zuse introduces Z1

    Zuse introduces Z1
    The Z1 introduced by Zuse was the first mechanical calculator (computer) that utilized binary code. It was important because binary code is still the universal language for all computers that we use today.
  • George Stibitz introduces his Complex Number Calculator

    George Stibitz introduces his Complex Number Calculator
    The Complex Number Calculator introduced by George Stibitz was able to do calculations on extremely complex numbers. This is important because some consider it to be the foundation for digital computers.
  • Howard Aiken & Grace Hopper introduce Harvard Mark 1

    Howard Aiken & Grace Hopper introduce Harvard Mark 1
    The Harvard Mark 1 was introduced by Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper. It was used by the Navy to complete computations. It was more reliable than most other electronic computers of its time. It is important because many consider it to be mark the beginning of the era of modern computers.
  • F.C. Williams introduces RAM

    F.C. Williams introduces RAM
    RAM was first developed for F.C. William's cathode ray tube. This is important because RAM was a breakthrough to the computer world. We still use it today.
  • Donald Watts Davies & Alan Turning introduce the Pilot ACE

    Donald Watts Davies & Alan Turning introduce the Pilot ACE
    The Pilot ACE was introduced by Donald Watts Davies & Alan Turning and was the fastest computer at its time. This is important because the speed of computers has started to increase.
  • Jay Forrester introduces magnetic memory

    Jay Forrester introduces magnetic memory
    Magnetic memory was developed by Jay Forrester in 1952 at MIT. This is important because we still use magnetic memory in every hard drive today.
  • IBM introduces the first hard drive

    IBM introduces the first hard drive
    The first hard drive was developed by IBM. It was built out of fifty 24-inch disks and had a capacity of 5 MB. It cost over one million dollars. This was important because the hard drive is an essential part of computers today.
  • Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac introduce Apple

    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac introduce Apple
    Apple was introduced by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac when they built their first computer in 1975 in Steve's parent's garage which they called the Apple. This is important because Apple is the leading force in computer technology today.
  • Microsoft introduces Word

    Microsoft introduces Word
    Word was introduced for Windows by Microsoft in 1989. This is important because Word has become one of the most-widely used software today.
  • Sergey Brin and Larry Page introduce Google

    Sergey Brin and Larry Page introduce Google
    Google was developed by Sergey Brin and Larry Page in 1998. Google was one of the first search engines at the time. This is important becasue Google is currently the largest search engine in the world along with it's many other products such as Gmail and Google Maps.