
History Of Computers

  • first computing program with a binary code

    first computing program with a binary code
    Zuse introduseshis machine, calling it the the Z1
    It is used to solve complex equations
  • The first computer BUG

    The first computer BUG
    An actual bug (a moth) was found in the computer, causing it to fail.
    found by Grace Hopper in the Harvard Mark 1
    Zuse introduces the Z4
  • ACE is created

    ACE is created
    considered the first programmable digital computer in Britains National Physics Lab
  • Many more computers created

    Many more computers created
    Monorobot III IBM 702 RCA BIZMAC NORC Technitral 180 PENNSTAC MIDAC ALWAC III E Elcom 125
  • IBM introduces IBM 360

    developed by Gene Amdahl
  • In the making....

    In the making....
    Two young hacker geeks, William Gates and Paul Allen offer to build a BASIC compiler for MITS. This is the start of what will become Microsoft Two other young hacker geeks, Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniac build a computer in Steve's parents garage. They call it the Apple.
  • Motorola introduces the 68000 chip

    Motorola introduces the 68000 chip
    which will be used in Macintosh computers
  • The Osborne 1

    The Osborne 1
    The first successful portable computer, The Osborne 1, is introduced
  • First Compact Disk

    First Compact Disk
    Sony announces the Compact Disk
  • Apple launches the Macintosh

    Apple launches the Macintosh
    Apple launches the Macintosh with a spectacular presentation at the 1984 Super Bowl games.
    Apple introduces its MacPaint program.
  • The Year 2000 problem is first mentioned in print

    The Year 2000 problem is first mentioned in print
  • Computer Company Alliance

    Computer Company Alliance
    Apple, IBM and Motorola form an alliance to develop and promote the PowerPC platform.
  • Completely computer generated movie

    Completely computer generated movie
    Toy Story is the first full-length feature film to be completely computer generated.
  • Apple releases the iMac

    Apple releases the iMac
  • First Ipod

    First Ipod
    By Apple
  • Ipad introduced

    Ipad introduced
    By Apple