History of Computer System

  • Leibniz machine

    Leibniz machine
    Anusha: Leibniz machine First of all, the calculating machine was built and developed in 1668. This is important because it is used for calculating data and also processing it. An interesting fact about the Leibniz machine is that before it was invented, calculating machines could only add and subtract. The Leibniz machine is an input and output device.
  • Mechanical Calculator

    Mechanical Calculator
    Mona: Mechanical Calculator In 1820 Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar made a machine, the 'arithmometer', based on Leibniz's design which was capable of performing the four operations. Its main contribution to the Computer System is that it can be used for calculations used in the computer and it can be classified as a combination between an input, output, and processing device.
  • George Boole

    George Boole
    Wao: George Boole As the inventor of the prototype of what is now called boolean logic, which became the basis of the modern digital computer, Boole is regarded in hindsight as a founder of the field of computer science. In 1847 Boole published the pamphlet Mathematical Analysis of Logic.
  • The First Programmer: Ada Lovelace

    The First Programmer: Ada Lovelace
    Lisa: The First Programmer: Ada Lovelace Ada Lovelace wrote an algorithm that could be processed by Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine, which was never built, Charles Wheatstone, a friend of Babbage’s, commissioned Lovelace to translate an Italian article, written by Luigi Menabrea, about Babbage’s Analytical Engine in 1852-1853.
  • Chester Carlson's Xerox machine

    Chester Carlson's Xerox machine
    Nini: Chester Carlson's Xerox machine Basically a xerox machine allows you to copy papers and print it exactly like the original one.The first xerox machine was invented in the year 1938. It’s important to the computer system because it helps us photocopy papers. The xerox machine is an output device. The xerox machine is used in business, education, and government.
  • Integrated Circuit

    Integrated Circuit
    Mickey: Integrated Circuit
    In 1959 March 24, Jack Kilby was said to be the person who invented the integrated circuit. The main contribution about integrated circuit is that it is used in personal computer. I think that integrated circuits classify as hardware device and the processor since it is touchable and also in the CPU which where the processes occur.
  • Douglas Engelbart

    Douglas Engelbart
    Julia: Douglas Engelbart Douglas Engelbart was an American engineer. He is also an early computer and internet pioneer. The first mouse was invented in 1964. The first mouse was made from wood and its designed by Bill English from Engelbarts sketch. Mouse is an input device where you can use the mouse to move around in the screen.
  • MS-DOS Computer Operating System

    MS-DOS Computer Operating System
    Hetvi: MS-DOS Computer Operating System MS-DOS, a short form of the name Microsoft Disk Operating System. It was the main operating system for IBM PC compatible personal computers during the 1980s to the mid-1990s. The initial release of the MS-DOS was in August 1981; 32 years ago.This invention or idea aimed or can be classified under the Operating Systems.
  • Tim Berners-Lee's Worldwide Web

    Tim Berners-Lee's Worldwide Web
    Jion: Tim Berners-Lee's Worldwide Web Tim Berners-Lee is a inventor that invented the World Wide Web, an internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information. He is the director of the World Wide Web Consortium, a Web standard organization founded in 1994 which develops specifications, guidelines, software, and tools to lead the Web to its full potential.
  • Analytical Engine

    Analytical Engine
    Amrita: Charles Babbage Analytical Engine The Analytical Engine was the worlds first general-purpose computer. It was designed by Charles Babbage, an English Mathematician in the 1830s.The main contribution to the Computer System is that it had a store and a mill.This engine is aimed to be classified under Input Devices and Output Devices.
  • Difference Engine

    Difference Engine
    Khushboo: Difference Engine The Difference Engine is a calculator. It prepares numerical tables using a mathematical technique known as the method of difference. The difference engine was developed in 1991. The difference engine is input and output, because it consists of a number of columns, numbered from 1 to N. And it is hardware.