Buff americans

History Class Timeline 2020-2021

  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase was when the Americans bought a great amount of land for $15millon and doubled the size of there country
  • The Texas Revolution

    the Texas regulation was when the colonist took over Texas from the Mexicans
  • Doner Party

    The Lewis and Clark journey was about a small group of people who were moving west and got so helpless and hunger that they resorted to cabalism
  • California gold rush

    When and old man found a 10gram gold ingot that was the start of the gold rush people all the world came to California to mine gold
  • 911

    The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks on the US witch lead to 3000 deaths
  • My bithday

    My bithday
    The day that Alejandro Romero was born on April 30, 2007