History and personal timeline

  • war of the spanish succsession

    war of the spanish succsession
    This war was fought to prevent the French from taking over the spanish territories which resulted in the loss of Acadia ( one of the French territories ).
  • English settlement

    English settlement
    Halifax was founded by the English and was one of the first english settlements in history.
  • Seven years war

    Seven years war
    was the first global conflict and was the climax of the fighting between the British and French. This war was fought to see which king had more power. This war resulted in the loss of almost all the French colonies.
  • Battle of the plains of Abrahm

    Battle of the plains of Abrahm
    One of the most important battles in the seven years war, a British invasian force led by general James Wolfe attacked the French troops and were victorious. This led to the capture of Quebec and
    most of the French colonies to Quebec .
  • Pontiacs war

    Pontiacs war
    An ally of the French, Ottawa chief Owandiyag, began multiple attacks on english forts. The attempt to drive the English away from the area killed both soldiers and settlers.
  • American revoulution

    American revoulution
    After losing to the British, the French assist the American colonies to gain independance from the British.
  • The war of 1812

    The war of 1812
    The United states started attacking British north America for several reasons like trading restrictions from the British and British support for native American tribes but not European american expansion. The war ended any issues the Americans had.
  • Canada's first railway

    Canada's first railway
    The first railway in Canada ( The Champlain and st.Lawerence railroad ) and started being used on July 25. This remains the most important transportation change in Canadian history.
  • Rebellions of 1837

    Rebellions of 1837
    During this time, some Canadians were not happy with the laws of the governmont which formed the Rebellions. The Rebellions attacked cities like York ( now Toronto ) but were defeated. The British wanted to prevent rebellions in the future so they decided make changes to the govermont and eventually granting responsible governmont to Canada which formed the our governmont today.
  • Oregon boundary treaty

    Oregon boundary treaty
    This treaty confirmed the border between Canada and United states. The United states and Canada could finally live ine peace.
  • Dad moves to Canada

    Dad moves to Canada
    Dad moves to Canada because my grandparents wanted to come here.
  • Mom moves to Canada

    Mom moves to Canada
    My mom moves to Canada to get a job and live a better life.
  • The death of my Grandma

    The death of my Grandma
    My Grandma developes breast cancer around 1996 and died only a few months later.
  • Death of my Grandpa

    Death of my Grandpa
    My Grandpa suddenly had a heart attack and died instantly. Both of my Grandparents on my mom's side had died.
  • I WAS BORN!!!!

    I WAS BORN!!!!
    I was born on March 4 2003 and was my family's first and only child.
  • Everyone moved

    Everyone moved
    By this time, all of my mom's sisters have moved to either Canda or the USA.
  • the time I almost died

    the time I almost died
    One night my Aunt came over from the airport and brought chinese chocalate. Unfortunatley, she didnt know I was allergic to peanuts and minutes later I threw up and had hives. I was sent to the hospital and thankfully I survived.
  • Family reunion

    Family reunion
    Our whole family ( mom's side ) has our first reunion ever since they left the Phillippines and has been the only reunion we had with everyone there.
  • Cousin moves to Canada

    Cousin moves to Canada
    My cousin from the Phillippines moves to Canda and he still lives here. For the first few months he lived in my house and now lives in a townhouse
  • Baby cousin is born

    Baby cousin is born
    My aunt gives birth to her new child (Matthew). He remains her only child and his birth resulted in his parents moving to a new house.