History 8 Timeline

  • 476

    Medeavle Dance

    Medeavle Dance
    There were several types of dances that were popularised during the medieval period such as Carol, Basse Dance, The Egg Dance, Scottish Dance, among many others. Instruments such as drums and lutes were also used while dancing.
  • 1400


    Ballet as we know today began during the Renaissance period in Italy.
  • 1400


    The first a type of dance was a “classical” style and reserved and dignified approach performed for noblemen and noblewomen at large celebrations, often times weddings.
  • 1500

    Ballet gose to France

    Ballet gose to France
    Sometime during the 1500s, an Italian noblewoman and patron of the arts by the name Catherine de Medici married King Henry II and arranged for ballet to be performed in the French court.
  • King Louis XIV

    King Louis XIV
    The official terminology and vocabulary of ballet was gradually codified in French over the next 100 years, and during the reign of Louis XIV, the king himself performed many of the popular dances of the time. Professional dancers were hired to perform at court functions after King Louis and fellow noblemen had stopped dancing.
  • Ballet Spreds

    Ballet Spreds
    As the popularity of ballet grew in the French Courts, it trickled out to the courts in Germany, Spain, Portugal, Poland, and many others.
  • First Ballet Academy

    First Ballet Academy
    The very first academy of ballet was opened in 1661 in France, thanks to King Louis XIV, and was called the “Académie Royale de Danse.”
  • More Ballet

    More Ballet
    The 1700s in ballet was reforming more and more to what we know it as today. After the French Revolution dance was made available to an even wider audience.
  • Dancing in the New World Colonis

    Dancing in the New World Colonis
    The first Virginia colonists were familiar with hornpipes—sprightly, free-form solo dance pieces—and saw similarities to them in the dances performed by the Virginia Indians they encountered. Anglican minister Alexander Whitaker compared the Indians' dancing to that of English Morris dancers, who often wore bells on their ankles. https://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/Dance_During_the_Colonial_Period
  • Classical Ballets

    Classical Ballets
    While both Italy and France were very important in ballet’s early years, it truly blossomed in Russia and Denmark during the mid to late 1800’s. During this time, famous choreographers such as Marius Petipa, Enrico Cecchetti, August Bournonville and Jules Perrot, were creating what would eventually be known as the great story classical ballets.
  • Point shoes

    Point shoes
    Several ballerinas also began experimenting with dancing en pointe, bringing pointe shoes to ballet in the early 1820s. In 1832, La Sylphide was created to showcase Marie Taglioni’s talents dancing en pointe. This was significant because up until then, pointe shoes were seen as a type of ungraceful stunt.
  • Partner dancing

    Partner dancing
    Partner dancing became a thing in America after it was brought to by the French.
  • Valentine’s Day chocolates

    Valentine’s Day chocolates
    The first Valentine’s Day box of chocolates was put together in 1868 by Richard Cadbury. https://carrieledgerwood.wordpress.com/2013/09/17/history-of-candy-1865-1905-2/
  • Juicy Fruit

    Juicy Fruit
    William Wrigley Jr. invented Juicy Fruit and spearmint chewing gum.
  • The Tutu

    The Tutu
    The classical ballet tutu was also created during the 19th century from the desire to highlight and bring more appreciation to a ballerina’s difficult leg and footwork. Much like today, the classical tutu looked like a short skirt, made to stick out by using layers of tulle and crinoline (a stiff fabric made originally to give volume for petticoats).
  • The Ballets Change

    The Ballets Change
    As the 19th century was a period of significant social change, the themes of new ballets changed too, moving away from the royal and aristocratic and into romantic ballets.
  • Ballet Companies

    Ballet Companies
    There are now many other American ballet companies that began in the 20th century. Some of them include the San Francisco ballet, the Houston Ballet, and the Joffrey Ballet.
  • WW1

    During this period, the bustle replaced the hoop, which necessitated a few changes in dancing. At the same time, ragtime music began to gain mainstream respectability. Some examples of dances popular during this period include the cakewalk, Krakowiak, mazurka, racket, redowa, and the waltz. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_dance#Dance_in_the_late_19th_century_to_about_1910
  • George Balanchine

    George Balanchine
    Choreographer and New York City Ballet founder George Balanchine would change ballet even further. He introduced what is now known as neo-classical ballet, an expansion on the classical form. He also is considered by many to be the greatest innovator of the contemporary “plotless” ballet. With no definite story line, its purpose is to use movement to express the music and to illuminate human emotion and endeavor.
  • American Ballet

    American Ballet
    About 100 years ago ballet started becoming popular in the United States. The costumes became shorter and shorter and during this era, the costumes for girls are about knee length.
  • WW2

    In the peak of the Swing era, more exotic dance styles became ever more popular among younger generations in America. Dances popular during this period were the Big Apple (dance), foxtrot, swing, waltz, tap, and the jitterbug. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_dance#Dance_in_the_1930s_and_1940s
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    Congress had approved Eisenhower’s request for emergency funds to use cultural diplomacy in combating Soviet influence around the world and diminishing the spread of communism. The funding marked the first time in the history of U.S. public policy that choreographers, composers, playwrights were to be systematically exported, as a peaceful weapon in the service of foreign policy.
  • Hip-Hop

    hip-hop became a big thing in the early 2000's singers and rapers like Backstreet Boys, Eminem and, Beyonce became popular. New dance moves came out like the lean back, the stanky leg, the nae nae, the dougie and, the wobble. https://www.buzzfeed.com/hnigatu/the-definitive-ranking-of-the-20-best-rap-dances-from-the-20