Esea 1

Historical Educational Time Line

  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    •s the race-based segregation of children into “separate but equal” public schools constitutional
  • The World Series Broadcast for the first time in color

    The World Series Broadcast for the first time in color
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    emphasizes equal access to education and establishes high standards and accountability
  • Education for All Handicapped Childrens Act

    Education for All Handicapped Childrens Act
    Public schools were required to evaluate handicapped children and create an educational plan with parent input that would emulate as closely as possible the educational experience of non-disabled students.
  • Americans With Disabilities Education Act

    Americans With Disabilities Education Act
    which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability
  • Americans With Disabilities Act

    Americans With Disabilities Act
    Its overall purpose is to make American Society more accessible to people with disabilities
  • Reauthorization of Americans With Disabilities Education Act

    Reauthorization of Americans With Disabilities Education Act
    which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The Act requires states to develop assessments in basic skills. To receive federal school funding.
  • Reauthorization of Individuals with Disabilities Act

    Reauthorization of Individuals with Disabilities Act
    to guarantee a free,
    appropriate public education to every child with a disability.