
By hey23
  • Tuning Fork

    Tuning Fork
    The tuning fork was made in England and it was the first invention out of all of them from 1700 to 1800 the guy who made it his name was John Shore.There is no exact day for this invention
  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
    The steam engine was also built in England and the inventors name is Thomas Newcomen he made the first good engine.
  • Diving Bell

    Diving Bell
    The diving bell was invented in England and the inventor was Edmond Halley.
  • Navigational clock

    Navigational clock
    The navigational clock was invented by John Harrison its not actually a navagator it's a clock.
  • Sextant

    Its basically a scope of 60° it was invented in England and the inventor is John Campbell
  • Carbonated water

    Carbonated water
    Carbonated water was invented at England the inventor is Joseph Priestley - the first fizzy drink.
  • Sandwich

    Sandwich was invented in England by John Montagu.
  • Steam Roller

    Steam Roller
    The steam roller was invented in England the inventor was Henry Cort
  • Vaccination

    The vaccination was invented in England and the inventor was Edward Jenner
  • Domestic Gas Lighting

    Domestic Gas Lighting
    Domestic gas lighting was invented in England and the inventor is William Murdoch.