Historian '12 civil war

  • Period: to

    civil war

  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    April 12, 1861 was the start of it all. The battle Fort Sumter began the war. The south attacked the north's fort and the north surrenders 34 hours later. The war continues with many more battles between the north and south.
  • Bull Run

    Bull Run
    Augast, 1862 McClellan was replaced by Gen. Pope. Lee and Gen. During the Bull Run Stonewall Jackson defeat Union troops again. This happend at Manassas. The Pope was replaced by McClellan. This was the second Bull Run
  • Fredericksburg

    Gen. Burnside attacks Lee. He attackss his fortified position. He suffers 10,000 deaths. Lee only suffers 5,000 deaths.
  • Chancelloorsville

    General Hooker of the union was defeated by Robet E. Lee form the confedecy. Andrew Jackson is shot by accedent. One of his own men shot him.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    May 1863 the Union forces under U.S. Grant attacked the Confederate at Vicksburg, It took about a month, but the Confederates ultimately gave up the position on 4 July 1863. The battle of vicksburg and the battle of gettysburg, marked the beginning of the end for the Confederacy.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    165,000 soldiers faught in the largest battle in the Western Hemisphere.Three days pass of fighting and Robert E. Lee retreats, with 4,000 Confederates soldiars dead. 23,000 Union, 28,000 Confederates died.
  • Battle of chattanooga

    Battle of chattanooga
    Ulysses S. Grant is Reinforced with troops from the East. He can now have Southern troops back and get ready for an attack on Atlanta and the heart of the Confederacy
  • Grant promoted to Lt. General and head of Union troops.

    Grant promoted to Lt. General and head of Union troops.
    Ulysses S. Grant prepares to attack Richmond. Abraham Lincoln's cabinet complain that Ulysses S. Grant has a dumb plan. Lincholn stays on Grants side and gives him support.
  • Atlanta to Savannah

    Atlanta to Savannah
    Genarel Sherman massacred Atlanta and then sends troops on math at the sea. Railroads, buildings,and crops are destroyed. The north attempted to break the will of the South
  • Treaty of Apottomax

    Treaty of Apottomax
    Robert E. Lee surrenderd at appotomax. He withhis troopds sighed in northen virginia. It was not however, the end of the Confederacy, which continued till the north and south came together again.