Libro antiguo

Source Book

  • Mesopotamia 3000 a.C

    Mesopotamia 3000 a.C
    Come the first evidence of writing, using the bullae , were used by the Sumerians , Babylonians , Assyrians.
  • 2000 a.C -The Egyptians

    2000 a.C -The Egyptians
    Papyrus, coming from the drying and pressing aquatic plants are used, came from the Nile River.

    They could only be used on one side.
  • century IV -Hellenistic period, century IV

    century IV -Hellenistic period, century IV
    Reaches its peak.
  • Century I d.C - Papyrus sheet

    Century I d.C - Papyrus sheet
    Dissemination and preservation of culture by the Alans,
    Huns and Romans,He worked with reutailizable wax tablets.
  • 80 d.C- The parchment

    80 d.C- The parchment
    The parchment emerges as new support for writing.
    in Rome membranei very similar to the current codex book is born
  • The paper century II d.C

    The paper century II d.C
    The paper source is Eastern, dating from the second century A.D. and it is attributed to Cai Lun, a eunuch of the court of the Chinese emperor Hedi
  • Century V y X China

    Century V y X China
    Chinese paper it was called ZHI, to check whether a leaf blades were arranged in the shape of a butterfly.
  • VI Century , Japan, Korea, Vietnam

    VI Century , Japan, Korea, Vietnam
    Muslims know the paper and disclosed to the West. For a long time it monopolized Samarkand, then was replaced by Baghdad, Damascus and Cairo. These cities were important Muslim centers, were key points of the "Silk Road".
  • century XIII

    century XIII
    in the twelfth century it was known in Al-Andalus and the kingdom of Aragon
    In the thirteenth century it was used in Tuscany (Italy) the wool industry reached its peak in Florence. Cities grow and consolidate bourgeois-merchants. They made their operations and recorded the balance of its business in leather-bound booklets and sheets of paper.
  • century X

    century X
    All I knew was writing hand. The Scriptorium monks used to copy large calf books: It is a medieval codex,in which they were copied privileges of churches and monasteries to be used on a routine basis.
  • X Century

    X Century
    The exemplar were fragments of books, to study them separately, born from the manuscripts that were expensive, so the circulation in the university world is facilitated.
  • century A.D.

    century A.D.
    Born printing and the Chinese take the lead and custom texts negative then a burn carve wooden religious texts, prayers and portraits of Buddha in paper documents.
    In the year 932 the emperor Feng Dao Proposes a series of classic carve stone to make copies and distribute them faster for the kingdom.
  • 1040

    Bi Sheng try to create the first movable type. He used a soft paste which is then hardened by fire, but was not as consistent as metal. Printing by this technique was much more advanced in Korea.
  • 1040

    Movable type. Its combination facilitated the rapid reproduction of the original inaccessible
  • 1500

    only twelve countries knew, knew the secret of "movable type" and already printed editions libros.Vanoccio forty thousand Viringuccio and cites the "typecasting" in his work Pirotechnia had, in 1540
  • 1550

    La "nueva tecnología" llega a América. Los libros dejan de ser artículos de lujo. Los lectores querían llevarlos en sus viajes, por eso se imprimieron en cuartillas y octavillas.
  • XVIII century XXI century

    XVIII century XXI century
    its biggest boost occurs in the eighteenth century when the enlightened kings culturizar apply policies to the people.
      Asian Internet and new technologies have allowed the sale to the public of "electronic books" where to file thousands of texts to carry around with us.