

By jiaying
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    Dewey is known for his reforms of education and pragmatism.
  • Women's Christian Temperance Union

    Women's Christian Temperance Union
    This union was a large stride for women and sought to prohibit alcohol consumption.
  • How the Other Half Lives

    How the Other Half Lives
    Jacob Riis exposed the horrid living conditions in the slums of New York.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    This act did its best to prevent businesses from monopolizing.
  • National American Women Suffrage Association

    National American Women Suffrage Association
    The NAWSA was the result of two different woman's suffrage groups combining for a mutual purpose.
  • Anti-Saloon League

    Anti-Saloon League
    The Anti-Saloon League lobbied for prohibition in the early 19th century.
  • Northern Securities Antitrust

    Northern Securities Antitrust
    In 1902 the government under Roosevelt filed a case against the company, won, and dismantled the the company forcing its members to disband and govern their business seperately.
  • Square Deal Policy

    Square Deal Policy
    Roosevelt implemented a policy of fairness in the market in yet another attempt to protect the consumer and the country.
  • Athracite Coal Strike

    Athracite Coal Strike
    Coal miners in Pennsylvania went on strike for a myriad of reasons, one of which was to have their union recognized.
  • Elkins Act

    Elkins Act
    The Elkins act reformed the Insterstate Commerce Act and imposed serious fines on railroads that offered rebates.
  • Department of Commerce and Labor

    Department of Commerce and Labor
    The Department of Commerce and Labor was a failed attempt of the cabinet to control big business
  • Ida Tarbell

    Ida Tarbell
    Tarbell was an influential muchraker, publishing a magazine of the sleezy deals of Rockefeller In the early 1900's.
  • The Shame of the Cities

    The Shame of the Cities
    Lincoln Steffens exposed the malpractice of politicians and governing bodies as awhole.
  • Meat Inspection Act

    Meat Inspection Act
    This act sought to ensure sanitary conditions and honest labeling in the meat packing industry.
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    Upton Sinclair's novel exposed the horrors of the meatpacking industry and the need for reform.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    This act called for thruthfully labled, "safe" medicine, food, or alcohol.
  • Ida B. Wells

    Ida B. Wells
    Wells, a civil rights activist, helps found the NAACP.
  • Margaret Sanger

    Margaret Sanger
    In 1910 she began popularizing and fighting for brith control and likewise women's rights.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    A preventable fire in Manhattan killed several workers, and led to attention drawn to sweatshop conditions.
  • Robert La Follette

    Robert La Follette
    In 1912 La Follette ran against Taft but lost votes to Roosevelt, whom he condemned, and sealed his losing fate.
  • Eugene V. Debs

    Eugene V. Debs
    He opposed Wilson s the socialist party candidate and is the only man ever to have run for office from prison.
  • Bull Moose Party

    Bull Moose Party
    This progressive party was formed when Teddy Roosevelt ran against Taft and split the Republican vote.
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Federal Reserve Act
    The Federal Reserve Act etsablished the federal reserve which served as the central banking system of the united states.
  • !7th Ammendment

    !7th Ammendment
    Senators were now directly elected.
  • Underwood Tariff

    Underwood Tariff
    Under Wilson, in order to aid business, the tariff on imported goods was lowered.
  • Federal Trde Commission

    Federal Trde Commission
    The Federal Trade Commission was created to help protect consumers.
  • Clayton AntiTrust Act

    Clayton AntiTrust Act
    This Act was a reiteration of the Sherman Antitrust act.
  • Keating-Owen Child Labor Act

    Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
    This act was a brief attempt at getting rid of child labor in the workforce by preventing the sale of goods in which children under 14 were part of production.
  • 18th Ammendment

    18th Ammendment
    The 18th Ammendment was the ban of all manufacturing or sale of alcohol.
  • 19th Ammendment

    19th Ammendment
    This ammendment gaurunteed all U.S. citizens the right to vote, including women.