
Haymarket Riot

  • National Labor Union

    National Labor Union
    National Labor Union passes a resolution calling for an 8 hour work day.
  • First 8 Hour Law

    First 8 Hour Law
    Illinois enacts the nation's first eight-hour law, but employers refuse to comply and the law is rendered meaningless.
  • The Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Union

    The Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Union
    The Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Union declares its goal of having eight hours constitute a legal day of work, beginning May 1, 1886.
  • "Emancipation Day"

    "Emancipation Day"
    100,000 American workers go on strike in support of the eight-hour workday. The strike day ends peacefully in Chicago, where German anarchists toast their "Emancipation Day."
  • Louis Lingg and William Seliger

    Louis Lingg and William Seliger
    Louis Lingg and William Seliger make 30 to 50 bombs. They later transport them to Nepf’s Hall....At 7:30 PM, a rally to protest the violent attack on demonstrators at McCormicks and support the eight-hour day begins at Haymarket in Chicago. At 8:15, August Spies arrives at the rally. At 8:30, Albert Parsons arrives at the meeting of the American Group. A half hour later, he begins speaking at the Haymarket. He speaks for about an hour, and then leaves for Zepf's Hall. Samuel Fielden begins
  • Jury Delivers its Verdict

    Jury Delivers its Verdict
    Jury delivers its verdict of guilty for the 8 defendants. All defendants, except Neebe, are sentenced to receive the death penalty. Neebe is sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.
  • Hanging Time

    Hanging Time
    Spies, Parson, Fielden, and Engel are hanged at noon.
  • Thousands Attend

    Thousands Attend
    Thousands attend the unveiling of a new monument to the Haymarket martyrs at Waldheim Cemetery in Forest Park, Illinois.
  • Pardoned by Governor

    Pardoned by Governor
    Fielden, Schwab, and Neebe are pardoned by Governor John Peter Altgeld. The move effectively ends Altgeld's promising political career.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    The Fair Labor Standards Act makes eight hours a legal days work in the United States.