1898  1959

Hawaii Timeline

  • 250

    The Polynesians are here!

    The Polynesians are here!
    The very 1st Polynesians arrive in Hawaii. They traveled in large canoes, and used the stars to find their way from island to island.
  • Hello, Captain Cook!

    Hello, Captain Cook!
    Captain James Cook reaches Hawaii. He named the islands the Sandwich Islands after his friend the Earl of Sandwich.
  • Thank You, King Kamehameha!

    Thank You, King Kamehameha!
    King Kamehameha unites all the islands as the kingdom of Hawaii.
  • Thank You, Queen Kaahumanu!

    Thank You, Queen Kaahumanu!
    Queen Kaahumanu helps bring an end to the Kapu System. The Kapu System was a system that had rules for things you could or couldn't do.
  • Here Come the Missionaries!

    Here Come the Missionaries!
    The 1st protestant missionaries arrive in Hawaii. Churches sent missionaries to Hawaii to try to convert the Hawaiians to Chritianity.
  • Sugar is Famous!

    Sugar is Famous!
    Sugar becomes a big business on the islands. They imported workers from other countries such as China, Japan, Germany, Tahiti, and Portugal.
  • Hawaii is Making its way to Statehood!

    Hawaii is Making its way to Statehood!
    Hawaii becomes a possession of the US.
  • Uh Oh, Here Come the Japanese!

    Uh Oh, Here Come the Japanese!
    Japanese bombers attack Pearl Harbor, bringing the US into WWI.
  • Tsunamis are Bad!

    Tsunamis are Bad!
    A tsunami hits the big island, flooding the downtown area of Hilo, and killing 159 people.
  • Hooray for Hawaii!

    Hooray for Hawaii!
    Hawaii becomes the 50th state!