hasan was born

  • thomas edison

    thomas edison
    thomas edison was born in february 11th 1847 and invented the light bulb in menlon park new jersey
  • Romney

    Romney was born march 12 1947 and is now 65 years old.
  • my father

    My father was born in 1957 and is now 55 years old.
  • obama

    Obama was born on aug 4th 1961 and is now 51 years old.
  • tupac

    Tupac was born june 16 1971 and died in 1996 sep 13
  • 50 cent

    50 cent
    50 cent was born in 1975 january 6 and is now 37 years old.
  • my brother

    My brother was born on June 7 1997
  • my 2nd sister

    my second sister,noor was born aug 28 1998 and is now 14
  • my sister

    My sister was born 2001 june 25 and is now 11 in sixth grade.
  • hasan was born

    hasan was born 2003 september 27th 8:00 pm in the hospital.
  • first day of school

    my first day of school was sep 5 2012.
  • Hitler

    hitler was born april 20 1889 and fought in ww3
  • Michael Jackson

    Michael Jackson
    Michael Jackson was born on aug 29 1958 and died June 25 2009
  • My cousin

    My cousin was born 1998 and he is now 14