Harvey Milk

  • Harvey Milk is born to William Milk and Minerva Karns

    Harvey Milk is born to William Milk and Minerva Karns
  • Milk graduates from Bay Shore High School

    Milk graduates from Bay Shore High School
  • Period: to

    Milk serves on Submarine rescue ship

  • Milk runs for a position on the Board of Superivisors

    Milk runs for a position on the Board of Superivisors
    Comes in 10th out of 32 candidates
  • Milk opens Camera store on Castro Street

    Milk opens Camera store on Castro Street
  • Milk runs for Supervisor for the second time

  • Milk runs for Supervisor and wins

  • John Briggs creates Proposition six

    This proposition would make it mandatory to fire all homosexual teachers and employees in the field of education.
  • Proposition Six is turned down, losing by more than a million votes

  • Dan White assasinates Harvey Milk and Mayer Moscone

  • Dan White is given a five year sentence for voluntary manslaughter

    His attorneys argued that an imbalance of chemicals caused by fast food intake impaired his judgment. The defense was called "the twinkie defense"
  • Milk, a movie based on Harvey Milk's life, is released