Large (1)


  • 1 CE

    1st century

    1st century
    256 milion inhabitants
  • Jan 1, 1200

    13th century

    13th century
    384 million
  • Jan 1, 1300

    14th century

    14th century
    There was the "Black Death", epidemic wich killed thousand of people.
  • 17th century

    17th century
    516 milion inhabitants
  • 18th century

    18th century
    Before the Industrial Revolution was 791 milion.
  • 19th century

    19th century
    In 1800 increased rate of mortality.In 1800 there were 890milion people.
  • 20th century

    20th century
    There was 1.2 bilion people.The population doubled within 100 years.
  • Middle of 20th century

    Middle of 20th century
    There were 2,5bilion on the world (Two Worlds Wars that caused many deaths and widespread,destruction, and worlds epidemics such as the 1918-1920).
  • 21th century

    21th century
    The population grow rapidly accelerated and reached 6 bilion people in 2000
  • Middle of 21th century

    Middle of 21th century
    There were 7.3 bilion people in 2015 and it is predicted to be over 8 bilion in 2025.