Insideout purplecover

Ha's Journey

  • Tet --Year of the Cat

    Tet --Year of the Cat
    "Now I am ten , learning
    to embroider circular stitches,
    to calculate fractions into percentages,
    to nurse my papaya tree to bear many fruits." (p. 2)
  • Period: to

    Ha's Journey

  • Leaving Home

    Leaving Home
    Ha's family leaves Vietnam by ship as the Communists move in to take Saigon. "At noon today the Communists
    crashed their tanks
    through the gates
    of the presidential palace
    and planted on the roof
    a flag with one huge star." (p. 69)
  • Americans intercept the boat after over 3 weeks on the water.

    Americans intercept the boat after over 3 weeks on the water.
  • Ha's mother chooses America for her family.

    Ha's mother chooses America for her family.
  • A sponsor from Alabama

    A sponsor from Alabama
    "Our sponsor
    looks just like
    an American should. I love him
    and imagine him
    to be good-hearted and loud
    and the owner of a horse." (p. 111)
  • First Day of School in Alabama

    First Day of School in Alabama
    "School! I wake up with
    zipping through
    my gut. I eat nothing. I take each step toward school evenly,
    trying to hold my stomach
    steady." (p. 139)
  • Meet Miss Washington

    "She has no children
    but a dog named Lassie
    and a garden that takes up
    her backyard. She volunteers
    to tutor us all. My time with her
    will be right after school. I'm afraid to tell her
    how much help I'll need." (p. 165)
  • Most Relieved Day

    Most Relieved Day
    Ha eats lunch alone in her classroom, and two classmates make friendly overtures.
  • Pink Boy arranges fight with Ha.

    Pink Boy arranges fight with Ha.
    "His right arm extends in a fist. When he's close enough
    for me to see
    the white arm hair,
    I shift my upper body
    to the left,
    legs sturdy,
    eyes on the blur
    that flies past me." (p. 225)
  • The family lets go of Ha's father.

    "Each of us faces the altar,
    holding a lit incense stick
    between palms in prayer. Father's portrait
    stares back. This is as old
    as we'll ever know him." (p. 251)
  • Tet--Year of the Dragon.

    Tet--Year of the Dragon.
    Fresh place, fresh country, fresh start. Ha's family celebrates, looking forward to the year ahead. "Our lives
    will twist and twist,
    intermingling the old and the new
    until it doesn't matter
    which is which." (p, 257)