Australian settelers

Australian colonies and settlement

  • Britain before coming to Australia

    Britain before coming to Australia
    The British people came to Australia because the streets were cramped and Britain's crime rates began to rise because of theft. Theft was the most common crime because of poverty and because of how the prices of everyday items started to saw. Another reason is that the waist system was not that hygienic meaning that the waist system was that after they 'went', they dropped their waist out of the window and on the street.
  • Bennelong

    this was the year that Woollarawarre Bennelong was born. He was born on the south shore of the Parramatta River. In late November 1789, Governor Arthur Phillip had orders from King George lll to use "every possible means" to open up dialogue with the natives
  • Arrival of the British

    Arrival of the British
    Britain was far to over crowded so the government at that time decided that they needed to send the large number of criminals of to a land that had never been discovered. So they searched for a land and they found Australia. The British had been told that Australia (which was named the 'Southern Land' at the time) was Terra nullius which is originally Latin for "nobody's land" but when they arrived at Sydney Cove (16th Jan 1788) they saw that there were people living there
  • Bennelong and Colebee kidnapped

    Bennelong and Colebee kidnapped
    This was the year that Bennelong and Colebee were kidnapped as an attempt of communicating with the Aboriginals. The British people Captured Bennelong and Colbee while they were fishing
  • Phillip built Bennelong a hut

    Phillip built Bennelong a hut
    Bennelong was given a hut at the place that is now known as Bennelong Point. It is were the Sydney Opera House is
  • Governor Arthur Phillip Speared

    Governor Arthur Phillip Speared
    On this day, Governor Arthur Phillip was speared by an Aboriginal on Collins Cove beach (now known as Manly Cove). The spear that hit him wasn't designed for killing, it was designed for spearing prey and shooting through their bodies. Unexpectedly, Bennelong visited Governor Phillip when he was in hospital after being speared
  • Two Aboriginal boys were murdered

    Two Aboriginal boys were murdered
    In the Hawks berry region, five settlers were arrested and charged for the murders of these two boys. The Criminal Court found that all five were guilty (18 October) but refused pass a sentence presumably because they were Europeans
  • Disease started killing Aboriginies

    Disease started killing Aboriginies
    Int the 1800's disease such as small pox, started to kill Aboriginals
  • Aborigines started to get pushed out of their own land

    Aborigines started to get pushed out of their own land
    Aboriginals started to get pushed out of their own land and because of how the British colonies started to get bigger and they lost many land rites. This happened in the 1800's