State of maine pure spruce gum.


  • first commercial chewing gum

    first commercial chewing gum
    John B. Curtis made and sold the first commercial chewing gum
  • Curtis started selling flavored paraffin gums

    Curtis started selling flavored paraffin gums
    Curtis started selling flavored paraffin gums becoming more popular than spruce gums.
  • william Finley Semple became the first person to patent a chewing gum

    william Finley Semple became the first person to patent a chewing gum
    william Finley Semple became the first person to patent a chewing gum
  • Thomas Adams patented a machine for the manufacture of gum.

    Thomas Adams patented a machine for the manufacture of gum.
    Thomas Adams patented a machine for the manufacture of gum.
  • John Colgan invented a way to make chewing gum taste better for a longer period of time

     John Colgan invented a way to make chewing gum taste better for a longer period of time
    John Colgan invented a way to make chewing gum taste better for a longer period of time while being chewed.
  • Adams' chewing gum called Tutti-Frutti became the first chew to be sold in a vending machine.

     Adams' chewing gum called Tutti-Frutti became the first chew to be sold in a vending machine.
    Adams' chewing gum called Tutti-Frutti became the first chew to be sold in a vending machine.
  • Double mint is created

    Double mint is created
    Wrigley Doublemint brand was created. William Wrigley, Jr. and Henry Fleer were responsible for adding the popular mint and fruit extracts to a chicle chewing gum.
  • double bubble is created

    double bubble is created
    an employee of the Frank H. Fleer Company, Walter Diemer invented the successful pink colored Double Bubble, bubble gum.
  • bubble gum is created

    bubble gum is created
    bubble gum was invented by a man named Walter E. Diemer.
  • trident gum invented

    trident gum invented
    it was invented in 1963 it was invented in Parsippany, New jersey by walter diemer.
  • extra gum is invented

    extra gum is invented
    Extra is the name of the second sugarfree gum launched by the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company in the United States ( It was launched in 1984 and became one of the most popular brands of gum (unbiased reference needed) in the United States within a few years, known for long-lasting flavor.
  • orbit gum invented

    orbit gum invented
    Orbit was launched in 1944 in the United States as a replacement brand by Wrigley due to rationing of gum-making ingredients in World War II.
  • Eclipse gum is invented

    Eclipse gum is invented
    Eclipse launched in 1999 and has remained a leader in intense breath freshening ever since.
  • stride gum invented

    stride gum invented
    Stride gum was invented by Donald Woodworth
  • 5 gum is introduced to the U.S.

    5 gum is introduced to the U.S.
    In March 2007, Wrigley introduced 5 gum to the U.S.