13 coloniesmap

grouth and development of the 13 colonies (higbee,defisher)

  • Period: to

    growthand development of the 13 colonies

  • planing colinies restarts

    planing  colinies restarts
    The plaing over english colines in north america reapered in 1606.They reapeared because several groups of merchents want to orginize settelments in america. an example of one of these merchents was the verginia company.
  • the house of burgesses

    the house of burgesses
    the house of burgesses met for the first time. the members were representatives of towns throught the colony. the members could vote on laws to make.
  • seperetists boarded mayflower

    seperetists boarded mayflower
    seprotists borded the may flower. they were leaving the netherlands. they had been there to escape englands persicution.
  • canceling of virginia company's charter

    canceling of virginia company's charter
    king james canceled virginia company's charter. he he did this because the company was losing money.he turned jamestown into the first royal colony in america.
  • the fundemental orders of connecticut

    the fundemental orders of connecticut
    this was the first written constitution in america. it described the organization of the reprisentitive goverment. it was adopted by windsor and wetherfeild.
  • navigation acts

    navigation acts
    parliment began passing the navigation acts. these were laws that caused colinests to only trade with britian. this was so only britian bennifitted.
  • the glorious revolution

    the glorious revolution
    when parliment took the king trying to take all power off the throne. they put mary the kings daughter on the throne. she signed the english bill of rights.
  • the charter of liberties

    the charter of liberties
    the charters of liberties was created. this was a document that gave colonists the right to vote on reprisentitives. this was written by penn.
  • slave code

    slave code
    the slave code was made in virginia. this was a set of rules that told how slaves should act and governed their behavior.
  • great awakining

     great awakining
    the great awakining occured in new england and middle colonys. this was religous renewell. the churches went back to their old ways.
  • zenger trial

    zenger trial
    zenger was put on trial for writting bad stsatments about an important man. he was found not guilty because what he wrote was true.zengers case was regarded as an important step to freedom of the press.
  • the last british colony

    the last british colony
    georgia was founded. it was the last of the british colonys. it was founded by james oglethorpe.
  • econmy in sc and geogia

    econmy in sc and geogia
    sc and georgia had good econmy. they were making alot of money from rice.the rice sold well in england.
  • seven years war

    seven years war
    britian declared war on france. this war was the french and indian war. it ended with the treaty of paris in 1963.
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    this treaty ended the seven years war. this treaty marked the end of frances power in america. this forced france to give up most of its land.
  • proclamation of 1763

    proclamation of 1763
    this made it so colonists could not move into the wastern frontier.this made colinists angry because they helped with the war and felt that their prize had been taken away.the colinists felt that england was keeping them on the coast so they could be controled easier.