Dna contributions

Genetics And DNA Contributions

By AcevesA
  • Watson and Crick

    Watson and Crick
    Discovered the double helix structure of DNA, using X-ray diffraction and the mathematics of a helix transform
  • Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Mendel
    He gained fame as the founder of the modern science of genetics. Known for his expirement of crossbreeding of animals and plants could favor certain desirable traits.
  • Avery- MacLeod- McCarty

    Avery- MacLeod- McCarty
    that DNA is the substance that causes bacterial transformation. suggest that DNA, rather than protein as widely believed at the time, may be the hereditary material of bacteria, and could be analogous to genes and/or viruses in higher organisms.
  • Hershey-Chase

    Confirmed that DNA is the genetic material. Showed that when bacteriophages infect bacteria, their DNA enters the host bacterial cell, but most of their protein does not.
  • GMOs

    Making an insertion or deletion of genes to make new organisms. Genetic material that has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. Also produces goods other than food.

    Example: Fruits and Animals
  • Cloning - Animals

    Cloning - Animals
    Cloning is removing a somatic cell that is then taking the cell to get an identicaal copy of the animal.
    Example: Cows, Rats
  • Gel Electrophoresis

    Gel Electrophoresis
    Is a process in which it seperates macromolecules and fragments based on their charge and size.
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction

    Polymerase Chain Reaction
    intenstifys a single copy or a few copies of a piece of DNA across several orders of magnitude to generate thousands to millions of copies of a DNA sequence.
  • Cuvier

    He was instrumental in establishing the fields of comparative anatomy and paleontology through his work in comparing living animals with fossils. He established extinctions as a fact that any future scientific theory of life.
  • Carolus Linneaus

    Carolus Linneaus
    Zoologist and Physician:
    He published the first edition of Systema Naturae in the year 1735.He devised the formal two-part naming system we use to classify all lifeforms. For example the two-part system in the dinosaur.
  • Lamarck

    Lamarck believed that giraffes were first created with short necks, but that by stretching their necks to reach the water and branches, and their offspring then inherited longer necks.
  • Lyell

    Book: Principles of Geology
    He said that the formation of Earth's crust took place through countless small changes occurring over vast periods of time.
  • Darwin

    "Natural Selection"
    He published theory of evolution with compelling evidence in his book "On the Origin of Species". Natural selection acts to preserve and accumulate minor advantageous genetic mutations.
  • Hutton

    Founder of Modern Geology,
    He believe that the Earth was perpetually being formed. He also earned the accolade of 'founder of modern geology'.His theory put forward the idea that fusion of sediments arose by the great heat ( that he believed to exist beneath the lower regions of the earth's crust).