Great Impacts on Education in America

  • Harvard College

    Harvard College
    Harvard College was established and was the first higher education institution in the United States.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    Ruled that racial segregation laws were not unconstitutional as long as the facilities for each race were equal (separate but equal).
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    The Brown vs. Board of Education allowed children of all races to go to school together, stating that laws establishing racial segregation in public schools are unconstitutional.
  • National Defense Education Act

    National Defense Education Act
    The National Defense Education Act (NDEA) enhanced the school system through funds. It also encouraged students to pursue education past high school due to the fact of the United States' concern about the "Space Race" and competing with the Soviet Union.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act was part of President Johnson's "War on Poverty." It provided federal funds for low-income students. The act also gave free lunches to those in need.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX stated that no person can be excluded from a school program on the basis of their sex.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    The Education for All Handicapped Children was signed by President Gerald Ford. The Act is now known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act provided free, special education and services to children with extra needs and disabilities.
  • A Nation at Risk

    A Nation at Risk
    The Nation at Risk report created by the Reagan Administration started the Standards Movement. It placed an emphasis on setting academic standards by telling/showing teachers what students should know in their grade.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The No Child Left Behind Act was signed by President George W. Bush. Its goal was to improve student success by taking yearly standardized assessments of students. The act held schools accountable for students performances.
  • The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act

    The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act
    This act provided more than 90 billion dollars for education to help prevent layoffs and for school modernization and repair.