Grade 9 Geography Textbook Page 119

By opaopa
  • 245


    Geo: Formation of rockies start, Innnuitan mountains done, shallow seas in earth interior of north america Bio: Reptile age, flowering plants and first mammals and birds
  • 570


    Geo: large parts of North America are covered by shallow seas and Appalachians formed Bio: Amphibians,fish , insects(born) first ever swamps, coal and plants and animals on land
  • Cenozoic

    Geo: ice sheets cover most of north america, continents take present shape, rocky mountains done Bio: human beings develop, age of mammals and evidence of modern forms of life
  • Precambrian

    Geological: Precambrian shields (i.e Canadian Shield, Braziallian Shiled, African Shield) are created. Biological: Single and multi celled organisms are created