Glory BE

  • Period: to

    June 1,1964-August 1,1964

  • Rolling Stones

    Rolling Stones
    Rolling Stones 1st US concert tour debuts in Lynn, Mass
  • Civil Rites

    Civil Rites
    Civil Rights Act of 1964 passes 73-27
  • The Pool Is Closed!

    The Pool Is Closed!
    Frankie explains that his daddy siad that the comunity pool is going to close so they can "fix cracks". Then Frankies big brother JT explains that they are closeing it to keep the colored people and the agitatota out.
  • The Yankee

    The Yankee
    Laura Lampert, a Yankee, has come to Haninh Moss, Mississippi. Her mom had to come to Haning Moss to start a Freedom Clinic, so Laura was at the librarie waiting for her mom when she and Glory met.
  • Letter Time Madness

    Letter Time Madness
    Glory writes a letter, about how she feels about the pool closeing, to the Hangging Moss Tribune, Because her daddy doesn't know she might just get in much more trouble than she intends.
  • "A Hard Day's Night"

    "A Hard Day's Night"
    Beatles release "A Hard Day's Night" album
  • Robbie Fox's Secret

    Robbie Fox's Secret
    Back in North Carolina Robbie stood up for his colored friend.He told the waitress that he didn't like how she was treating him. Then the police came and pulled them to the street, so he almost ended up in jain in North Carolina. Thats why he is in Haning Moss with his Grandma.
  • Meanie Mrs.Simpson

    Meanie Mrs.Simpson
    Sunday night Mrs.Simpson invites the Hemphills to dinner, and tells Brother Joe (Glory's Daddy) about Glory's letter. When Brother heard Glory's letter he wasn't mad at all, infact he was very proud of her.
  • Rumors About Laura

    Rumors About Laura
    On Sunday Frankie runs over to Glorys home and tells her that the pool is open! then about 2 days later Laura and Glory go to the pool to go swimming...But the pool is closed. Now Frankie is saying that Laura broke into the locker rooms, stole some candy, and vandalizedthe lockers and left qa black sock in the lockerr rooms (Laura is the only person in Hanging Moss who weres black socks in the middle of the summer.)
  • JT and the Football Team Make Robbie Leave

    JT and the Football Team Make Robbie Leave
    After the 4th of July parade, JT and the foot ball team gang up on Robbieand start to beat him, becaus Frankie told JT about robbie being a jailbird. So before Robbie got into any more trouble he left and went home to his mother.
  • I GOT IT!!!!!

    I GOT IT!!!!!
    Glory Figured out that people sometimes get mad because, thing change to fast and that scares them, so the make up lies, keep secrets, and be meaner than usual. She also realized that real secrets can seriously hurt people, and make them do bad things.
  • Party Time!

    Party Time!
    Miss Bloom (the Librarian) throw a party to "thank" the people who helped with the parade (so mostly to bring the colored people and the white people together). Also to show the Town Council that no matter what she won't close the Library.
  • ALMOST Back to Normal

    ALMOST Back to Normal
    After the party, Glory find a letter to her from Frankie explaining how he is really sorey for makeing that romer about Laura and telling JT about Robbie, and that he wants to meet up latter. Now that Jesslyn isn't so mean any more and Frankie has apoligized enough, it feels like every thing is just ABOUT normal again.
  • 35th All Star Baseball

    35th All Star Baseball
    35th All Star Baseball Game: NL wins 7-4 at Shea Stadium, New York
  • Uncle Jeff

    Uncle Jeff
    My dear Uncle Jeff was born in Cedar Rapids Iowa.