Germany in Transition

  • The German Empire was formed

    Ther German Empire was formed and controlled by the Emperor Kaiser Wilhelm II
  • German goes to war

    Germany goes to war with Britian, France and Russia
  • Germany accepts the loss of WWI

    Germanys generals accept the loss of WWI
  • Germany signs Armistice

    Germany signs an armistice to end WWI
  • Anton Dexber establishes (DAP)

  • Period: to

    The difficult years of the Weimar Republic

    They had lost WW1, Signed the Treaty of Versailles, Economic Crisis, Hyperinflation and the Munich Putsch.
  • Elections were held for the new Government

  • A new Government

    A new government met in Weimar, Germany became a democratic republic.
  • Hitler Joins (DAP)

    Hitler joins (DAP) after being a spy for the Weimar Republic.
  • Hitler gives party a new name

    Hitler changes the parties name to (NSDAP)
  • Hitler becomes leader of (NSDAP)

  • Period: to

    Thw Golden Age of the Weimar Republic

    USA provides financial aid, accepted into the League of Nations.
  • The Hitler Youth Movement

  • Period: to

    Laws against Jews

    Jews were not allowed to work as teachers or judges, Jews were not allowed to be German citizens and the Jews needed ID cards
  • Hitler is appointed Chancelor

  • Every party banned from criticising the Nazi party

  • The Nazi party wins 43.9% of votes

  • Period: to

    Nazis gain power in the landor province

  • Himmler establishes first concentartion camp

  • The Reichstag passes the enabling act

  • The Nazis are in control

    The Nazis take control of Germany
  • The peoples court

  • Disolution of the provinces.

  • Nazis occupy the Social Democratic Party's offices

  • Rohm and members of the SA are shot

  • A law bans all parties except the Nazi party

  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer

    Hitler becmes Fuhrer after Heidenburg dies
  • Nazis close Catholic Churches

    Catholic Churches are replaced with the National Reich Church
  • The Nazis sentanced over 500 peple to death

  • 750,000 Jews are killed

  • The attack of Russia

  • Germany is defeated in Stalingrad

  • The Holocoust

    Gas chambers are formed to kill over 800 Jews at once, over 6 million Jews were killed.
  • Germanys major cities were bombed

    Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden and Hamburg for a second time
  • Period: to

    Nazi Leaders tried

    21 Nazi leaders were tried for war crimes in Nuremburg
  • Period: to

    Germany is invaded

    Germany is invaded by the Allied powers
  • Period: to

    Hitlers marriage and death

    Hitler marries Eva Braun and a day later kills himself and poisons his wife.
  • Germany was divided among the allied powers